
"exquisitamente" in English

"exquisitamente" in English
exquisita{adjective feminine}
exquisita{adjective feminine}
La presentación de su discurso a 33 r.p.m. ha sido ciertamente exquisita.
The delivery of his speech at 33 r.p.m. was quite exquisite.
una mujer de exquisita belleza
a woman of exquisite beauty

Context examples for "exquisitamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
desde fresquísimos pescados a deliciosos postres, todo ello exquisitamente presentado
from the freshest of fish to delicious desserts, all beautifully presented
Por último, considero importante destacar otro aspecto de carácter exquisitamente político-institucional.
Lastly, it is important to highlight another point too, which is of a more specific political-institutional nature.
Señora Presidenta, en el Libro Verde de la Comisión y en el informe exquisitamente bien redactado del Sr.
Madam President, in this Green Paper from the Commission and in Mr Whitehead's very well-written report, several important questions are raised.
Pero hay que afrontar el problema no sólo con una óptica exquisitamente italiana, sino también teniendo en cuenta un sector muy amplio que abarca el Mediterráneo.
But the problem has to be dealt with not just from a distinctly Italian viewpoint, but taking account of a wider area surrounding the Mediterranean.
Señor Presidente, a nadie se le escapa que nos encontramos ante una función -la aprobación de la gestión financiera- exquisitamente parlamentaria, según el Tratado.
Mr President, we are all very well aware that we are dealing with a task – the discharge of the budget – which, as stated in the Treaty, falls within the exclusive competence of Parliament.