
"estar ausente" in English

"estar ausente" in English

Context examples for "estar ausente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Consejo, además de estar ausente, está tomando decisiones sin consultar al Parlamento.
In addition to being absent, the Council takes decisions without consulting Parliament.
Esta dimensión internacional no puede estar ausente del debate.
The international dimension must always form part of the debate.
Ayer, nuestra Presidenta nos había anunciado que, por problemas de agenda, iba a estar ausente.
Our President told us yesterday that the Commissioner would be unable to attend today due to prior commitments.
La silla vacía de la Presidencia de Luxemburgo, que ha preferido estar ausente en este debate, es reveladora.
The empty chair of the Luxembourg Presidency, which has chosen to be absent during this debate, is telling.
La pregunta nº 37 decae al estar ausente su autor.
As the author is not present, Question No 37 lapses.
La pregunta nº 10 decae al estar ausente su autor.
As the author is not present, Question No 10 lapses.
La pregunta nº 4 decae al estar ausente su autor.
As the author is not present, Question No 4 lapses.
La pregunta nº 7 decae al estar ausente su autor.
As the author is not present, Question No 7 lapses.
La pregunta nº 9 decae al estar ausente su autor.
As the author is not present, Question No 9 lapses.
La pregunta nº 46 decae al estar ausente su autor.
As the author is not present, Question 46 lapses.
(La pregunta nº 8 decae al estar ausente su autor)
(Question 8 fell as the questioner was absent)
La pregunta 11 decae al estar ausente su autor.
As the author is not present, Question 11 lapses.
La pregunta 16 decae al estar ausente su autor.
As the author is not present, Question 16 lapses.
En ocasiones, la Comisión tiene dificultades para por qué la Unión debe estar ausente en determinadas circunstancias.
For the Commission, it is sometimes difficult to explain why the Union should be absent in some circumstances.
Esto implica una mayor cooperación entre el Parlamento y el Consejo, y este último parece estar totalmente ausente, de hecho.
This means cooperation between Parliament and the Council, the latter of which, indeed, appears to be absent.
Me pregunto: ¿es esta la visión europea a la que se refirió al inicio de la sesión el señor Barroso, que no puede responder por estar ausente?
I wonder: is this the European vision that Mr Barroso, who is not here to explain, spoke of at the beginning.
No comprendo cómo puede ser que se deduzca que uno puede estar completamente ausente y decir que los demás no tenemos quórum.
I cannot see how it could possibly be right to conclude that they can be entirely absent and say that the rest of us do not form a quorum.
Trabajamos en ello en comisión, no lo hemos retomado esta semana al estar Poul Nielson ausente por un viaje a los Balcanes.
We are working on these in committee, but no decisions were taken on the matter this week, as Poul Nielson was absent on a visit to the Balkans.
Como europeo y como neerlandés, me entristece que la Presidencia del Consejo vuelva a estar ausente como lo estuvo durante el debate sobre la EEB.
As a European and a Dutchman I am sad to see that the Council presidency is again absent as it was during the BSE debate.
estar ausente por enfermedad
to be off sick