
"estado protector" in English

"estado protector" in English

Context examples for "estado protector" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Estado es el protector y lo que cuenta en el contexto actual son las decisiones de los países.
The nation is the protector and it is the countries' decisions that count in the current context.
La clave de nuestro dilema es que el Estado es el principal protector tanto de nuestra seguridad como de nuestra libertad.
The nub of our dilemma is that the State is the main protector of both our security and our liberty.
La clave de nuestro dilema es que el Estado es el principal protector tanto de nuestra seguridad como de nuestra libertad.
A commitment to legislation in the first pillar, with transparent policy-making and guaranteed rights, would enhance the moral standing of Europe's response to terror.
Los ciudadanos afectados se han movilizado, tenemos al Estado protector, y todos aquellos que tienen algo que ver con esto y lo apoyan creen que no guarda relación con la libertad.
Concerned citizens are on the march, we have the nanny state, and all those who have anything to do with this and support it think that it has nothing to do with liberty.