
"error del sistema" in English

"error del sistema" in English
No obstante, es posible que tenga que activar el DMA manualmente si el dispositivo no se instaló correctamente o si se produjo algún error del sistema.
However, you might need to turn on DMA manually if the device was improperly installed or if a system error occurred.

Context examples for "error del sistema" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Este es un error del sistema que debilita la credibilidad de la totalidad de la Comisión Europea y de la integración.
This is a system defect which weakens the credibility of the entire European Commission and the search for greater integration.
No obstante, es posible que tenga que activar el DMA manualmente si el dispositivo no se instaló correctamente o si se produjo algún error del sistema.
However, you might need to turn on DMA manually if the device was improperly installed or if a system error occurred.