
"efusiva" in English

"efusiva" in English
efusiva{adjective feminine}
efusiva{adjective feminine}
Les doy la bienvenida más efusiva a todos ustedes.
I extend a very warm welcome to all of you.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, en nombre del Parlamento Europeo, tengo el grandísimo honor de dar una efusiva bienvenida al Sr.
Mr President in office, ladies and gentlemen, I have great honour in extending a warm welcome, on behalf of the House, to the President of the Czech Republic, Mr Vaclav Havel.

Context examples for "efusiva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Presidente de la Comisión me ha respondido de forma efusiva sobre WikiLeaks.
The President of the Commission has given fulsome answers on WikiLeaks.
. – Señor Presidente, quisiera dar las gracias al señor Comisario por su efusiva presentación.
. Mr President, I should like to thank the Commissioner for his very fulsome presentation.
Le doy mi más efusiva enhorabuena por el modo en que lo ha hecho.
I congratulate her most comprehensively for the way she did it.
(PL) Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, felicito de forma efusiva al señor Graefe zu Baringdorf por haber realizado otro magnífico informe.
(PL) Mr President, Commissioner, I heartily congratulate Mr Graefe zu Baringdorf on another excellent report.
Se trata de un mensaje importante y el mensaje fundamental resultante de su lograda Presidencia y por ello merecen ustedes una felicitación efusiva y auténtica.
That is an important message and the central message that has emerged from your successful presidency and on that you deserve rich and proper congratulation.