
"difficulty breathing" in Spanish

"difficulty breathing" in Spanish

Context examples for "difficulty breathing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
she was having difficulty breathing
respiraba con dificultad
he was breathing with difficulty
respiraba trabajosamente
Asthma is a common illness causing wheezing, coughing and difficulty with breathing in adults and children.
No se sabe si las clínicas del asma con base en la atención primaria son efectivas y cuales son los puntos de vista de los pacientes acerca de tales clínicas.
he has difficulty breathing
respira con dificultad
The various health effects of ozone include irritation to eyes, nose and throat, difficulty in breathing, coughs and headaches.
Los efectos del ozono sobre la salud son diversos: irritación de los ojos, de la nariz y de la garganta, insuficiencia respiratoria, tos, dolor de cabeza, etc.
There is smoking going on everywhere, something which sometimes causes acute difficulty in breathing for those who are allergic to smoke, among fellow Members of Parliament too.
Se fuma en todos los sitios y esto produce, a menudo, dificultades respiratorias a quienes tienen alergia al humo, incluidos nuestros propios colegas.