
"diario de sesiones" in English

"diario de sesiones" in English

Similar translations for "diario de sesiones" in English
Context examples for "diario de sesiones" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Schulz, incluimos en el diario de sesiones su comentario y tomamos buena nota de ello.
Mr Schulz, we shall include your comments in the record of proceedings and take note of them.
Señor Mölzer, sus palabras quedan, por lo tanto, registradas en el diario de sesiones de esta jornada.
Mr Mölzer, your words have therefore been recorded in the verbatim record of today's sitting.
No basta, señora Comisaria, con que hoy se recojan todos los días festivos de la UE en el Diario de Sesiones.
My dear Commissioner, it is simply not enough for all the public holidays in the European Union just to be announced in the Official Journal.
Habrá que seguir apoyando, después de 2012, al carbón de mi país y quiero que conste así en el diario de sesiones.
After 2012 we will have to continue to support coal from my country and I would like the report of parliamentary proceedings to state that fact.
diario de sesiones
record of parliamentary proceedings