
"despised" in Spanish

despreciado{adj. m}
your salvation the lowest of men, was despised, struck, scourged untold times
el más vil de los hombres, despreciado, maltratado y flagelado
With the nuclear problem we must associate that of the environment, ravaged by three quarters of a century of a development policy which despised nature to the point of destruction.
Al problema de la energía nuclear hay que sumar el del medio ambiente, devastado por tres cuartos de siglo de una política de desarrollo que ha despreciado la naturaleza hasta destruirla.
Controls on public spending are a despised constraint.
El control del gasto público es un imperativo desdeñado.
to despise[despised · despised] {transitive verb}
In Faust, Mephisto says: ‘Despise reason and science, and you are mine, all mine’.
En Fausto, Mephisto dice: «Desprecia la razón y la ciencia, y serás mío, solo mío».
believers, there is a strong temptation to hate, to despise others and to
creyentes, es fuerte la tentación del odio, del desprecio del otro y de
The triumph of blind ideology over commonsense makes this place into the paper mill that the UK has come to despise.
El triunfo de la ideología ciega sobre el sentido común convierte este lugar en la fábrica de papel que el Reino Unido ha acabado por despreciar.
There is still a tendency to undervalue or even to despise the experience that comes with age, although many young people could benefit from it.
Sigue habiendo la tendencia a no prestar atención, e incluso menospreciar, las experiencias adquiridas con la edad, aunque muchos jóvenes podrían aprovecharse de ellas.
For too long, women's role has been despised.
Se ha menospreciado el papel de la mujer durante demasiado tiempo.
(The President cut off the speaker) ... this supreme post was surrendered to a Mr Duisenberg, who despises us and is not even present...
(El Presidente interrumpe al ponente) ha entregado lo más sagrado a un tal Sr. Duisenberg que nos menosprecia y que no está aquí presente...

Synonyms (English) for "despised":
Context examples for "despised" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
despised and rejected, so that the sons and daughters might be found once
y de la muerte: la hora en que el Hijo es abandonado, para que los hijos
are threatened and despised and whose human rights are violated".7
oprimidos en sus derechos humanos ». 7
He said, "Go forth here from, despised, expelled.
[Y Dios] dijo: “¡Sal de aquí, degradado y desterrado!
Those who were reckoned weak (or despised) shall say to those who were proud, "Had it not been for you we would certainly have been believers.
--¿acaso os apartamos [por la fuerza] de seguir el camino recto una vez que se os hizo evidente?
$800 a week is not to be despised
800 dólares por semana no es una suma desdeñable
But when they rebelled against what they were forbidden, We said to them, "Become you as apes, despised and spurned!
y luego, cuando persistieron con desdén en aquello que se les había prohibido, les dijimos: “¡Convertíos en monos despreciables!
You know also of those among you who transgressed upon the Sabbath, and how We said to them, “Be you (as) apes, despised and spurned.
pues ya sabéis lo que les ocurrió a quienes de vosotros profanaron el Sábado, y les dijimos: “¡Convertíos en monos despreciables!
And We gave unto a people, despised and weak, an inheritance, lands in both east and west, lands which We had blessed.
mientras que a la gente que [antes] eran considerados insignificantes, les dimos por herencia las partes oriental y occidental de la tierra que hemos bendecido.
The chiefs from amongst his people, those who were inflated with pride, said to those whom they despised, those amongst them who believed, "Know you that Salih is sent from his Lord?
Los dignatarios de entre su gente, que se mostraban altivos frente a los débiles, dijeron a los que creían de su gente: “¿Sabéis [de verdad] que Salih haya sido enviado por su Sustentador?