
"day-dream" in Spanish

"day-dream" in English

Context examples for "day-dream" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We are now living out the first day of the ancient dream of a united Europe.
Vivimos hoy el primer día del sueño antiguo de una Europa unida.
Dream your day away with this elegant yet whimsical free Windows7 theme, featuring art from Huang, Yun-Hsien.
Sueña despierto durante todo el día con este elegante y fantástico tema gratuito de Windows7, que presenta el arte de Yun-Hsien Huang.
Well, I had a day-dream - as opposed to a real dream - on precisely the Rühle report, which gives me the opportunity to explain why I voted for the motion.
Pues bien, he hecho un medio sueño, no uno de verdad, he soñado con el informe Rühle y esto me brinda la oportunidad de justificar mi voto favorable.