
"craved" in Spanish

"craved" in Spanish
This advance is a first step towards denying the speculators what they crave.
Este avance constituye un primer paso para negar a los especuladores lo que ansían.
People around the world are craving peace and a renewed sense of security.
Personas de todo el mundo ansían la paz y una renovada sensación de seguridad.
Russia will successfully exploit Western credulity, it craves revenge against the West wherever that is possible.
Rusia conseguirá aprovechar la credulidad Occidental, ansía vengarse de Occidente, donde sea posible.
to crave[craved · craved] {transitive verb}
People crave water, food and medicine.
La gente implora agua, comida y medicinas.
I really would therefore crave your indulgence.
Por ello imploro su indulgencia.
I would crave your indulgence for this.
Imploro su indulgencia por ello.