
"consulta popular" in English

"consulta popular" in English
Señor Presidente, la campaña para la consulta popular ha sido la más parcial que haya podido observarse nunca.
Mr President, the campaign for the referendum was the most one-sided campaign I have ever experienced.
Resulta interesante que el Presidente Kovác haya anunciado que aun va a ordenar la consulta popular decidida por el tribunal constitucional.
It is interesting that President Kovac has applied, and that he will also arrange the referendum decided by the Constitutional Court.
Yo, al igual que muchos de mis colegas, deseo suerte al proceso de consulta popular y apoyaré el resultado de la votación del 24 de abril, cualquiera que este sea.
I, like many of my colleagues, wish the referendum process well and will support the outcome of the vote on the 24 April, whichever way it goes.

Context examples for "consulta popular" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En este contexto, a finales de julio de 2008 se realizó una consulta popular.
In this context, a public consultation was launched at the end of July 2008.
la decisión será objeto de consulta a la soberanía popular
the decision will be made after consultation with the people
Naturalmente, se debe poder celebrar una consulta popular.
Clearly, it is necessary to consult the views of the people.
Yo, al igual que muchos de mis colegas, deseo suerte al proceso de consulta popular y apoyaré el resultado de la votación del 24 de abril, cualquiera que este sea.
The British Government is prepared to cede some of the sovereign base territory surplus to its needs, if this will help.
Uno de los grandes errores, a propósito de este Tratado constitucional, ha sido no haber organizado una consulta popular o parlamentaria el mismo día en todos los Estados miembros.
One of the major errors in relation to this Constitutional Treaty was not to have organised popular or parliamentary consultation on the same day in all the Member States.