
"confiadamente" in English

"confiadamente" in English
Señor Comisario, esperamos confiadamente la iniciativa para un marco jurídico de las agencias, que la Comisión presentará en el futuro.
Commissioner, we look forward confidently to the initiative for a legal framework for the agencies, which the Commission will present at some time in the future.
Hoy esperamos confiadamente que París haga una contribución positiva a la superación de la crisis que comenzó con la no ratificación del Tratado en 2004.
Today, we confidently expect Paris to make a reliable contribution to overcoming the crisis that began with the failure to ratify the Treaty in 2004.
Podríamos traducirlas así: abrir confiadamente el propio corazón a Dios, conversar afectuosamente con Él, presentarle las propias necesidades, alabarlo y darle gracias.
We could translate them thus: to open one’s heart confidently to God, to speak affectionately with him, to present to him our needs, to praise him and to thank him.
confiada{adjective feminine}
de confiada búsqueda de la plena comunión, los fieles católicos se sienten
Christians and of the confident quest for full communion, the Catholic faithful
El Tratado de Lisboa muestra ahora una Europa preparada, confiada y segura de sí misma.
The Lisbon Treaty now demonstrates that Europe is ready, confident and self-assured.
Es lo que nos permitirá dar un nuevo impulso a una Unión Europea confiada y audaz.
That is what will enable us to give new momentum to a bold and confident European Union.
oración, donde especialmente la actitud perseverante y confiada de
where the persevering and trusting attitude of the humble testifies in a
Aquí les dejo una advertencia: los británicos somos gente tolerante y confiada, pero cuando se nos pincha demasiado, nos defendemos.
I leave you with this warning: the British people are a just, tolerant and trusting people, but when you push us too far, we fight back.

Context examples for "confiadamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
tiene el sufrimiento cuando se acoge acercándose confiadamente a Dios, «rico
have when it is accepted by drawing near in trust to God who is "rich in
invocado confiadamente durante el itinerario humano y sacerdotal, entre en el océano
Spirit whom he has invoked on his journey as man and as priest, he will
Debemos dejar confiadamente esta decisión en manos de los electores portugueses y sus representantes.
We can safely leave those decisions to Portuguese voters and their representatives.
Para no dejar de tener en cuenta la opinión de las diferentes comisiones, la Comisión se ha obligado a informar confiadamente al PE.
In order to take account of the reservations expressed by the committees that were asked for an opinion, the Commission has undertaken to provide the EP with advance information in confidence.
Creo que es un hecho positivo que el Primer Ministro haya presentado la ley ante la Comisión Europea y esperamos confiadamente la opinión de aquélla.
I think it is a positive development that the Prime Minister has submitted the law to the European Commission and it is with confidence that we await the European Commission's opinion.
Creo que estas 19 enmiendas, a favor de todas las cuales votará mi Grupo mañana, nos han permitido lograr un buen compromiso, que podemos aceptar consciente y confiadamente.
The directive provides for a general ban on unfair commercial practices and an indicative, non-exhaustive list of general and specific examples of unfair commercial practices.
Y confiadamente manifieste el uno al otro su necesidad, porque, si la madre cuida y ama a su hijo carnal, ¿cuánto más amorosamente debe cada uno amar y cuidar a su hermano espiritual?
And let them securely make their needs known to one another, for if a mother loves and cares for her carnal son, how much more should one love and care for his spiritual son?