
"con arrojo" in English

"con arrojo" in English
con arrojo{adverb}
daringly{adv.} (intrepidly)

Context examples for "con arrojo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Santo, sabían dar con arrojo testimonio de su fe.
Holy Spirit, they could give candid witness to their own faith.
Sostenidos por la parresía, que les infundía el Espíritu Santo, sabían dar con arrojo testimonio de su fe.
Sustained by the parresia instilled in them by the Holy Spirit, they could give candid witness to their own faith.
el equipo jugó con arrojo
the team put up a brave performance
obró con arrojo y decisión
she acted bravely and decisively
Debemos expresar, ciertamente, nuestro especial agradecimiento a la ponente, Carmen Fraga, que se ha enfrentado con arrojo a una empresa muy difícil.
We would like to express warm thanks to the rapporteur Carmen Fraga Estévez, who has tackled a very difficult job extremely well!
Tienen toda la razón al señalar que la salud reproductiva en los países en desarrollo tiene prioridad absoluta, y es importante luchar por ella con arrojo y perseverancia.
They are quite right to say that reproductive health in the developing countries has absolute priority and it is important to fight for it boldly and consistently.