
"competencia desleal" in English

"competencia desleal" in English
Los inversores éticos son castigados, porque son víctimas de la competencia desleal.
Ethical investors are punished because they are the victims of unfair competition.
Algunos podrán alegar que esto es un trato preferencial y competencia desleal.
Some may argue that this is preferential treatment and unfair competition.
No debería haber competencia desleal a costa del transporte marítimo europeo.
There should be no unfair competition at the expense of European shipping.

Context examples for "competencia desleal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los inversores éticos son castigados, porque son víctimas de la competencia desleal.
Ethical investors are punished because they are the victims of unfair competition.
Debemos apoyar a nuestros agricultores y protegerles de una competencia desleal.
We need to support our farmers and protect them from unfair competition.
Algunos podrán alegar que esto es un trato preferencial y competencia desleal.
Some may argue that this is preferential treatment and unfair competition.
No debería haber competencia desleal a costa del transporte marítimo europeo.
There should be no unfair competition at the expense of European shipping.
¿No opina la Comisión que podría ser un posible caso de competencia desleal?
Does the Commission not think that this could be a case of distortion of competition?
La segunda cuestión que debemos abordar es la de que no debe haber competencia desleal.
The second issue we have to address is that there should be no undercutting.
Esta situación genera una competencia desleal que en realidad no nos beneficia en absoluto.
However, this leads to distorted competition which does not really benefit us.
Señor Comisario, usted sabe que el hecho de la competencia desleal de Corea está probado.
Commissioner, you know that unfair competition on the part of Korea has been proven.
Y la competencia desleal influye siempre sobre la capacidad de país para realizar controles.
Unfair competition always has an impact on this country's ability to make checks.
No desean una competencia desleal de sus competidores procedentes de otros lugares del mundo.
They do not want unfair competition from competitors in other parts of the world.
Mi pregunta a la Comisión es la siguiente:¿no es esto un claro ejemplo de competencia desleal?
My question to the Commission is: is this not a clear case of unfair competition?
También implicaría una competencia desleal frente a un conductor de empresa.
Compared with a company-employed driver, this is unfair competition.
Mi pregunta a la Comisión es la siguiente: ¿no es esto un claro ejemplo de competencia desleal?
My question to the Commission is: is this not a clear case of unfair competition?
La competencia desleal constituye el mayor aliado de los impulsos proteccionistas.
Unfair competition is the biggest ally of protectionist impulses.
La competencia desleal también merece algún tipo de reglamentación detallada.
Unfair competition also warrants some kind of detailed regulation.
Lo que realmente está detrás de la competencia desleal en este caso es la debilidad del dólar.
What is really behind the unfair competition in this case is the weak dollar.
También garantiza condiciones de igualdad para todos y previene la competencia desleal.
It also ensures a level playing field and prevents unfair competition.
Sigue dejando la puerta abierta al dúmping social y a la competencia desleal entre trabajadores.
It remains an open door to social dumping and to unfair competition among workers.
Y ello porque no somos capaces de denunciar una situación de competencia desleal.
And that is due to the fact that we are incapable of condemning a situation of unfair competition.
Hay que aumentar el control y erradicar la competencia desleal.
It is also essential to step up controls and put an end to unfair competition.