
"comida sana" in English

"comida sana" in English
Señor Presidente, para el público, la salud y la comida sana son la principal prioridad.
Mr President, for the public, health and healthy food are the top priority.
Los ciudadanos tienen derecho a una seguridad alimentaria y una condición previa es el acceso a comida sana para todos.
Citizens have a right to food security, a precondition of which is access to healthy food for all.
Naturalmente ha de ser severa también, de modo que la gente sepa lo que significa una comida sana, y deberá valer para toda la cadena.
Of course, they must also be strict, so that people know what is meant by healthy food, and they must apply to the whole food chain.
les ha dado la manía de la comida sana
they've gone on this health food trip

Context examples for "comida sana" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, para el público, la salud y la comida sana son la principal prioridad.
Mr President, for the public, health and healthy food are the top priority.
Los ciudadanos tienen derecho a una seguridad alimentaria y una condición previa es el acceso a comida sana para todos.
Citizens have a right to food security, a precondition of which is access to healthy food for all.
les ha dado la manía de la comida sana
they've gone on this health food trip
Naturalmente ha de ser severa también, de modo que la gente sepa lo que significa una comida sana, y deberá valer para toda la cadena.
Of course, they must also be strict, so that people know what is meant by healthy food, and they must apply to the whole food chain.
Byrne, que no puede asistir a este importante debate sobre comida sana debido a compromisos anteriores.
Mr President, I should like to apologise on behalf of Mr Byrne, who is unable to attend this important debate on healthy food due to previous commitments.
Su país también tiene como presidente a un antiguo ministro de agricultura y es una nación que, gracias a Dios, se toma muy en serio la comida sana y la calidad de los alimentos.
Your country also has a former agriculture minister for president and it is a country, which, thank God, takes healthy eating and delicious food very seriously.
La cuestión de la comida sana ha suscitado gran interés, que no es injustificado si pensamos en las crisis que han afectado a la industria alimentaria en años recientes.
The question of healthy food has given rise to a great deal of interest and that is not unwarranted if we think about the crises that have hit the food industry over recent years.