
"dinner" in Spanish

She was an hour late for a dinner because she expected her question to be taken.
Llegaba una hora tarde a una cena porque esperaba que su pregunta hubiese sido admitida.
Can you confirm that the dinner took place and that the matter was discussed?
¿Puede confirmar que esa cena tuvo lugar y que se habló de esta cuestión?
We request the pleasure of your company at a dinner to celebrate…
Nos alegraríamos de contar con su presencia en nuestra cena para celebrar...
we weren't expecting them for dinner, but we can make the food stretch
no los esperábamos para cenar, pero podemos estirar la comida
microwave dinner
comida preparada para calentar o cocinar en horno de microondas
television dinner
comida pre-preparada para consumir viendo la televisión
the convention was rounded off with a gala dinner
el congreso tuvo como colofón una cena de gala
In fact when it was time for coffee breaks, lunch or dinner most of us stayed behind thirsting for more information.
De hecho, cuando llegó el momento de receso, almuerzo o cena la mayoría de nosotros nos quedamos sedientos de más información
Breakfast in Rome, lunch in Paris, dinner in Helsinki, and luggage in Moscow.
Ya saben ustedes lo que quiero decir: el desayuno en Roma, el almuerzo en París, la cena en Helsinki y el equipaje en Moscú.
dinner money
dinero para el almuerzo

Synonyms (English) for "dinner":
Context examples for "dinner" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
She was an hour late for a dinner because she expected her question to be taken.
Llegaba una hora tarde a una cena porque esperaba que su pregunta hubiese sido admitida.
Can you confirm that the dinner took place and that the matter was discussed?
¿Puede confirmar que esa cena tuvo lugar y que se habló de esta cuestión?
Over dinner, I brought up the shocking murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya.
Durante la cena, saqué a relucir el horrible asesinato de la periodista Anna Politkóvskaya.
I dreamt that three Members of the European Parliament were enjoying having dinner together.
Soñé con tres diputadas del Parlamento Europeo que cenaban juntas, alegremente.
But as a rule, these animals end up on the dinner table, not in an incineration plant.
Sólo que esas reses van a parar a los estómagos europeos y no a una planta incineradora.
Evening prayer was then followed by dinner together and concluded with a fraternal recreation.
A continuación todos participaron en la cena, a la que siguió la recreación fraterna.
We request the pleasure of your company at a dinner to celebrate…
Nos alegraríamos de contar con su presencia en nuestra cena para celebrar...
After the event on Saturday, the FC took our guests and myself to a special dinner.
Después del evento del Sábado, el FC nos llevó junto con nuestros invitados a una cena especial.
Madam President, neither Mr Rocard's statement nor a good dinner has changed my mind.
Señora Presidenta, ni las declaraciones del Sr. Rocard ni una buena cena han cambiado mi opinión.
Hope is very good for breakfast but very bad for dinner, so we expect results.
La esperanza es lo último que se pierde, pero no nos hagan esperar demasiado: esperamos ver resultados.
The discussion over dinner with Russian President Vladimir Putin was very honest and frank.
El debate durante la cena con el Presidente ruso Vladímir Putin fue muy transparente y sincero.
There were mushrooms for dinner, and so I asked her whether she was sure they were not poisonous.
De repente dije: "¿Estamos seguros de que las setas no son venenosas? "
There were mushrooms for dinner, and so I asked her whether she was sure they were not poisonous.
De repente dije: "¿Estamos seguros de que las setas no son venenosas?"
Viewing: 2 – 4pm Ceremony: 4 – 5pm Dinner to follow the Ceremony
Velorio: 2 – 4pm Ceremonia: 4 – 5pm Cena después de la Ceremonia
we weren't expecting them for dinner, but we can make the food stretch
no los esperábamos para cenar, pero podemos estirar la comida
It is intended that this will be discussed over dinner on the first evening by the Heads of State and Government.
Los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno lo discutirán la primera noche durante la cena.
What I missed at the dinner discussion with Putin was matters to do with the Baltic.
En las conversaciones con Putin durante la cena eché en falta que se abordarán cuestiones relativas al Báltico.
in some circles it's not considered correct to take wine with you when you are invited out to dinner
en ciertos círculos no está muy bien visto llevar vino a una cena
In China, dogs are served up for dinner on a regular basis.
En China se sirve carne de perro para comer de forma habitual.
My dad left home to go to work at 4am He would return at 8 pm, eat dinner, and go to bed.
Regresaba a las 8 de la noche, cenaba y se dormía.