
"civilly" in Spanish

"civilly" in Spanish
civil{adj. m/f}
That means responding to the demands of civil society and the private sector.
Eso significa responder a las demandas de la sociedad civil y del sector privado.
It is obvious that the role of civil society and of Parliament should be increased.
Es evidente que debería aumentarse el papel de la sociedad civil y el Parlamento.
Ministry of Interior - Civil Registry and Migration Department Chilonos Str.
Ministry of Interior - Civil Registry and Migration Department Chilonos Str.
Recently the Institution of Civil Engineers said that the UK could face power cuts in 20 years' time because of its dependency on foreign energy sources.
Hace poco, el Instituto de Ingenieros Civiles afirmaba que el Reino Unido podría sufrir cortes de luz dentro de 20 años por culpa de su dependencia respecto de las fuentes de energía extranjeras.
Recently the Institution of Civil Engineers said that the UK could face power cuts in 20 years ' time because of its dependency on foreign energy sources.
Hace poco, el Instituto de Ingenieros Civiles afirmaba que el Reino Unido podría sufrir cortes de luz dentro de 20 años por culpa de su dependencia respecto de las fuentes de energía extranjeras.

Synonyms (English) for "civil":
Context examples for "civilly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We are convinced that civilised society is harmed when animals are not treated civilly, even when this concerns animals for slaughter.
Ya que estamos convencidos de que una sociedad civilizada se perjudica cuando no trata de forma civilizada a los animales, aunque se trate de reses destinadas a ser sacrificadas.
The people most emotionally and physically wounded by the crimes of his gang have never asked for revenge but, most civilly, even now, they ask for truth and justice.
Las personas más heridas emocional y físicamente por los crímenes de su banda nunca han pedido venganza, sino que, con todo civismo, incluso ahora, piden que se sepa la verdad y se haga justicia.
In my opinion, if a Member of the European Parliament is asked to put out his cigarette by an usher, it is his duty to acknowledge civilly that the usher is doing his duty and thank him for it.
Considero que si un diputado europeo es invitado por un ujier a apagar su cigarrillo, tiene el deber de reconocer amablemente al ujier que está cumpliendo con su deber y darle las gracias por ello.