
"civilian nature" in Spanish

"civilian nature" in Spanish

Similar translations for "civilian nature" in Spanish
Context examples for "civilian nature" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I should just like to go on to emphasise its civilian nature.
Además quiero incidir en su carácter civil.
I would like to add that the agreement does not cover nuclear research, even of a civilian nature, nor, of course, does it cover the military sector.
Añado que el acuerdo no se refiere al aspecto nuclear, ni siquiera en el terreno civil, así como tampoco, naturalmente, en el militar.
Having said this, I would like to highlight something essential: the civilian nature of the project, which is an essential condition for ensuring transparency in operations.
Dicho esto, quisiera destacar algo esencial: la naturaleza civil del proyecto, condición indispensable para asegurar la transparencia en las operaciones.
Secondly, the report gives the impression that there is no such thing as the civil arm of the European Security and Defence Policy, even though most of the 17 ESDP missions are civilian in nature.
En segundo lugar, el informe da la impresión de que no hay ningún brazo civil de la Política Europea de Seguridad y Defensa, aunque la mayoría de las 17 misiones de PESD son de naturaleza civil.