
"chief justice" in Spanish

The Council is also following the case of Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry very closely.
El Consejo también sigue atentamente el caso del Presidente del Tribunal Supremo Iftikhar Chaudhry.
Lord Chief Justice
presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Gran Bretaña
I was in Washington recently when Justice Roberts was going through his grilling to become the Chief Justice.
Estuve en Washington recientemente cuando el juez Roberts estaba siendo sometido un interrogatorio para convertirse en Presidente del Tribunal Supremo.

Context examples for "chief justice" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Council is also following the case of Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry very closely.
El Consejo también sigue atentamente el caso del Presidente del Tribunal Supremo Iftikhar Chaudhry.
We understand that he will be sworn in shortly, possibly by tonight, by Nigeria's Chief of Justice.
Entendemos que prestará juramento de su cargo ante el Presidente de la Corte Suprema de Nigeria en breve, posiblemente esta noche.
Lord Chief Justice
presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Gran Bretaña
I was in Washington recently when Justice Roberts was going through his grilling to become the Chief Justice.
Estuve en Washington recientemente cuando el juez Roberts estaba siendo sometido un interrogatorio para convertirse en Presidente del Tribunal Supremo.
This includes people like the Chief Justice of Pakistan, and indeed Mr Aitzaz Ahsan, who is a leading lawyer in Pakistan.
Entre ellos están el Juez Presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Pakistán y también el señor Aitzaz Ahsan, que es el abogado más conocido de Pakistán.
The dismissal of the Chief Justice of Pakistan and resulting media clampdown does not bode well for having free and fair elections.
La destitución del presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Pakistán y la consiguiente represión de los medios de comunicación no son un buen augurio para unas elecciones libres y justas.
At national level - I should like to say in particular to Mr Harbour but also to others - a judge or even a chief justice is often taken as the reference.
En el contexto nacional - quisiera decirle en especial al Sr. Harbour, aunque también a otros - se suele tomar como referencia a un juez o incluso a un magistrado.
I was deeply impressed by the way that the incoming Chief Justice dealt with those competences and his relationship with the United States Constitution.
Me impresionó profundamente la manera en que el nuevo Presidente del Tribunal Supremo trataba esas competencias y su relación con la Constitución de los Estados Unidos.