
"caza furtiva" in English

"caza furtiva" in English
La caza furtiva ilegal del elefante se realiza ahora a mayor escala, también en África austral.
Illegal elephant poaching is now taking place on a much bigger scale, also in southern Africa.
En segundo lugar, no estoy convencido de que una prohibición total hará que cese la caza furtiva.
Secondly, I am not convinced that a total ban would mean that poaching would cease.
Sabemos que se ha producido una enorme pérdida de elefantes, en gran parte atribuible a la caza furtiva.
We know there has been a huge loss in elephant numbers, much of which is attributable to poaching.

Context examples for "caza furtiva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En segundo lugar, no estoy convencido de que una prohibición total hará que cese la caza furtiva.
Secondly, I am not convinced that a total ban would mean that poaching would cease.
La caza furtiva ilegal del elefante se realiza ahora a mayor escala, también en África austral.
Illegal elephant poaching is now taking place on a much bigger scale, also in southern Africa.
Sabemos que se ha producido una enorme pérdida de elefantes, en gran parte atribuible a la caza furtiva.
We know there has been a huge loss in elephant numbers, much of which is attributable to poaching.
La Comisión está muy preocupada por el alto nivel de caza furtiva de elefantes y el comercio ilegal de marfil que se han observado últimamente.
The Commission is very worried about the high level of poaching for elephants and illegal ivory trade which has been observed recently.
La lucha contra la caza furtiva y otras actividades ilegales similares no es sencilla, como sabe la gente que tiene experiencia en estas situaciones.
The battle against poaching and similar illegal activities is not an easy one, as people with experience of these situations know.
La población de rinocerontes de este parque natural se redujo debido a una década de larga insurgencia, como víctima de la caza furtiva entre 1989 y 1992.
The rhino population in this national park was wiped out during a decade-long insurgency, the victim of poaching between 1989 and 1992.
Señora Presidenta, los casos de crueles matanzas de focas forman parte del fenómeno de la caza furtiva, el cual, por desgracia, encontramos a menudo.
Madam President, cases of the cruel slaughter of seals are part of the phenomenon of poaching, which, unfortunately, we encounter fairly often.
La protección ofrecida a los elefantes debe reforzarse, y la Comisión no apoyará soluciones que presenten el riesgo de aumentar la caza furtiva.
The protection afforded to elephants needs to be reinforced, and the Commission will not support solutions which would present a risk of increasing poaching.
El problema principal es la caza furtiva, motivada por el comercio ilegal lucrativo de la piel y otras partes del tigre, que se dice que llega hasta Europa Oriental.
The main problem is poaching, which is driven by the lucrative illegal trade in tiger skins and parts, said to stretch to Eastern Europe.
Mi preocupación es que el dinero no se gaste de esta manera y que el aumento del comercio de marfil estimule la caza furtiva en todas partes con resultados catastróficos.
My concern is that the money will not be spent in this way and that the increase in the ivory trade will stimulate poaching everywhere, with catastrophic results.