
"castigated" in Spanish

"castigated" in Spanish
to castigate{intransitive verb}
Today, too, Lithuania is no longer free: when the Lithuanian Parliament adopts a law aimed at protecting minors, it is castigated for its trouble and shunned.
Hoy Lituania ya no es libre: cuando el Parlamento lituano adopta una ley dirigida a la protección de menores, es castigado por su problema y rechazado.
They castigated agrochemical companies, the use of GMOs and the development of biomass fuels to the detriment of crop growing.
Y censuraron a las compañías agroquímicas, el uso de OGM y el desarrollo de combustibles de biomasa en detrimento de los cultivos.
Indeed, we have the remarkable event last year of the Commission castigating the Court of Auditors for picking on them.
En efecto, tenemos el hecho notable de que el año pasado la Comisión censurara al Tribunal de Cuentas por meterse con ellos.

Context examples for "castigated" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Today, too, Lithuania is no longer free: when the Lithuanian Parliament adopts a law aimed at protecting minors, it is castigated for its trouble and shunned.
Hoy Lituania ya no es libre: cuando el Parlamento lituano adopta una ley dirigida a la protección de menores, es castigado por su problema y rechazado.
However, it becomes difficult to take when we make efforts to uphold the law and in response we are castigated for our inflexibility and dysfunctionality.
Sin embargo, resulta difícil de encajar cuando intentamos hacer que se respete la ley y, por ello, somos castigados por nuestra inflexibilidad y mal funcionamiento.