
"caso aparte" in English

"caso aparte" in English
caso aparte{masculine}
outlier{noun} (person, thing)

Context examples for "caso aparte" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
África es un caso aparte, porque la pobreza allí incluso parece que aumenta.
Africa is a case in point, for poverty there even appears to be on the increase.
Lo que quería dejar claro es que tenemos que considerar a Alemania un caso aparte.
What I wanted to make very clear is that we need to treat Germany as a separate case.
Sólo queda el puente del Estrecho de Messina, que es un caso aparte.
Only the bridge over the Straits of Messina, which is a case apart, remains.
No veo por qué las mujeres deberían ser un caso aparte de la legislación relativa a la igualdad.
I do not see why women should be outside the scope of legislation on equality.
No obstante, los acontecimientos acaecidos en Kirguistán son un caso aparte.
However, these events in Kyrgyzstan are completely different.
Por supuesto, cada región urbana degradada es un caso aparte.
Of course, every instance of a deprived urban area is a separate case.
Aparte del caso Egnatia, yo no tengo conocimiento de ningún otro.
Apart from the Egnatia case, none have been brought to my notice.
Seguramente Chipre constituye un caso completamente aparte.
I remind you and refer to the positive decision taken by the European Union in 1995 on the accession of Cyprus.
Creo sinceramente que ése es un caso aparte.
I genuinely believe that is a separate case.
es un caso aparte
he's a special case
Creo que es muy importante que asumamos la responsabilidad personal que nos corresponde en este caso, aparte de tratar de elevar nuestras protestas a través del Parlamento.
I think it is really important that we take our personal responsibility on this as well as looking to representations by Parliament.
Desde entonces, no ha habido ningún caso aparte del de Italia en 1993 y algunas incursiones de la enfermedad en Grecia, en las proximidades de la frontera turca.
Since then, there have been no cases other than in Italy in 1993 and a number of incursions of the disease in Greece next to the Turkish border.
El 17 de enero de 1990, acudí al Parlamento Europeo en tanto que Presidente la Comisión Europea y afirme que, cito: "Alemana Oriental es un caso aparte.
On 17 January 1990, I stood before the European Parliament as President of the European Commission and stated that, and I quote: 'East Germany is a separate case.
En cualquier caso, y aparte de la cuestión de la pertenencia a la UE, la Unión Europea necesitará una nueva política de vecindad tras esta ronda de ampliación.
Whichever way you look at it, and quite apart from the issue of EU membership, the European Union will need a new neighbourliness policy after this enlargement round.
Sin embargo, resulta poco satisfactorio que no tengamos un diálogo político estructurado con la OTAN, aparte del caso único de Bosnia.
However, it is unsatisfactory that we do not have a structured political dialogue with NATO, apart from the single case of Bosnia We all know that the problem is that of Turkey.