
"carros" in English

"carros" in English
carros{masculine plural}
carros{masculine plural}
los carros pasan con mucha viada
the cars go past at high speed
Y encargar esto ahora a Eurostat es poner el carro delante de los bueyes.
And to saddle Eurostat with it would be putting the cart before the horse.
En el Carro de la compra, ajuste el pedido de cualquiera de las siguientes maneras:
In the Shopping Cart, adjust your order in any of the following ways:
El Carro de la compra se desbloqueará y podrá completar la compra.
The Shopping Cart will then be unlocked and you can complete your purchase.
se estrellaron contra un carro que venía en contravía
they crashed into an oncoming car
le desmantelaron el carro en cinco minutos
they stripped his car in five minutes
lo espichó un carro
he was run over by a car
carro(also: carreta)
Miles de carros de fuego atravesaron el Rin, y Roma fue saqueada.
Thousands of chariots of fire crossed the Rhine, and Rome was plundered.
Se multiplican los críticos religiosos enmohecidos del Islam, y convierten a la élite del poder de la UE en esclavos dóciles del carro triunfador americano.
The stale religious prejudices against Islam reach out and transform the EU's powerful elite into obedient slaves on the American triumphal chariot.
platen{noun} (roller in typewriter)
trolley{noun} (at station, airport, in supermarket)
truck{noun} [film&tv]
carro(also: coche, auto)
motor{noun} [Brit.] [slg.] (car)
carro(also: coche, auto)
ride{noun} [Amer.] [coll.] (motor vehicle)
streetcar{noun} [Amer.]
carro(also: tren)
tram{noun} [Brit.]

Context examples for "carros" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Lo único que lamento es que la carga sólo se haya hecho con caballos ya que hubieran sido necesarios carros de combate.
The only thing I regret is that the charge was only made with horses, because what we needed was tanks.
Abajo de la escalera, en la plaza de la Natividad, están estacionados los carros de combate que bloquean todos los accesos.
Tanks were positioned at the bottom of the steps in Nativity Square blocking all access to the church.
¿Serán plantas que caerán sobre las otras como carros blindados, porque son resistentes a los herbicidas?
Are we going to have plants that will rampage like tanks over all the other plants, because they are herbicideresistant?
Las bombas sucias parten en mil pedazos el metal acorazado de varios centímetros de espesor de los carros armados más modernos.
Dirty bombs will shatter into pieces the several centimetre thick armour plates of the most modern tanks.
los carros pasan con mucha viada
the cars go past at high speed
La Unión Europea tiene, aproximadamente, con los veintisiete Estados miembros, dos millones de soldados, diez mil carros de combate, tres mil aviones de combate.
With the 27 Member States, the European Union has approximately 2 million soldiers, 10 000 tanks and 3 000 fighter planes.
jaladora de carros
car thief
jalador de carros
car thief
El hecho de que los carros de combate rusos llevaran la palabra ¡Volveremos!
The fact that the Russian tanks which withdrew in 1994 were often daubed with the words "We' ll be back!" did little to foster understanding between the Baltic states and Russia.
El hecho de que los carros de combate rusos llevaran la palabra¡Volveremos!
The fact that the Russian tanks which withdrew in 1994 were often daubed with the words " We ' ll be back! " did little to foster understanding between the Baltic states and Russia.
Quizá fuera oportuno que la Comisión enviara a alguno expertos para explicarles que, en la frontera con Rusia, el problema de los carros de combate rusos no se resuelve con minas antipersonales.
It might be as well for the Commission to send a few experts to explain to them that, on their Russian border, the problem of Russian tanks cannot be solved with anti-personnel land mines.