
"cakes" in Spanish

"cakes" in Spanish
to cake{transitive verb}
to cake{intransitive verb}
pasteles{m pl}
Work fast because the cakes will keep on coming!
Trabaje rápido porque los pasteles seguirán llegando.
Your job: to fill an order for a batch of cakes.
Su tarea: completar un pedido de una hornada de pasteles.
we drooled at the sight of the cakes
se nos hizo agua la boca al ver los pasteles
cake(also: bar)
pan{m} (de jabón)
Compared with the introduction of the euro itself, this cruise upstream by the 'Euroboat' is a piece of cake.
En comparación con la introducción del verdadero euro, la travesía río arriba del eurobarco es pan comido.
Compared with the introduction of the euro itself, this cruise upstream by the 'Euroboat ' is a piece of cake.
En comparación con la introducción del verdadero euro, la travesía río arriba del eurobarco es pan comido.
dried fig cake with cinnamon
pan de higos
ponqué{m} [Col.]
queque{m} [Ven.] (pastel, torta)
cake(also: pie)
Everyone wants a small piece of the large cake, but they do not want to see the cake as a whole made larger.
Cada cual quiere tener para sí una pequeña porción del gran pastel, pero no quiere ver ampliado este pastel.
The cake that we are distributing is not going to become any bigger because there are more hungry people.
El pastel que queremos repartir no crece con hambre.
Unfortunately they are only the icing on the cake.
Por desgracia, no son más que las guindas del pastel.
European citizens, every one of them, will be wondering which piece of the cake they have got, and whether that cake had been fairly shared out.
Todos los ciudadanos europeos se preguntarán qué trozo de torta les ha tocado y si ha sido justo el modo con que se ha distribuido la torta.
Black Forest cake
torta selva negra
tarta{f} [Spa.]
I would gladly have offered him a cake if he had been here to celebrate.
De haber estado aquí presente para celebrarlo, me habría encantado poder ofrecerle una tarta.
Avoid the use of surrogates and hydrogenated fats so as not to spoil the natural taste of the cake.
Evitar el uso de sucedáneos y grasas hidrogenadas para no alterar el sabor natural de la tarta.
Everyone wants as large a slice as possible of this huge cake.
Todos desean hacerse con la mayor porción posible de la gran tarta.
cake(also: pastry)
masita{f} [SAm.]
masa{f} [SAm.]
The bakery's customers are very particular, so you'll need to make the cakes with the correct combination of shapes, batters, fillings, decorations, and icing.
Los clientes de la pastelería son muy especiales, por lo que deberá hacer los pasteles con la combinación correcta de formas, masas, rellenos, adornos y coberturas.

Synonyms (English) for "cake":
Context examples for "cakes" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Purble Place is actually three games in one: Comfy Cakes, Purble Shop, and Purble Pairs.
En realidad, Purble Place son tres juegos en uno: Comfy Cakes, Purble Shop y Purble Pairs.
Click the Game menu, and then click Purble Shop, Purble Pairs, or Comfy Cakes.
Haga clic en el menú Juego y, a continuación, haga clic en Purble Shop, Purble Pairs o Comfy Cakes.
Firstly, sugar is used for making cakes and pastries, not wine.
Primero, el azúcar es para hacer bizcochos o milhojas, no para hacer vino.
Cakes of tar are still washing in along 500 km of the Atlantic coastline on a daily basis.
En quinientos kilómetros de cornisa atlántica, siguen llegando diariamente placas de alquitrán.
There are also other export products, such as cakes and pastries, which contain milk components.
Nosotros también tenemos productos, como por ejemplo la repostería, que los exportamos y que contienen leche.
we could make some sponge cakes with the leftover mixture
con la masa sobrante podríamos hacer unos bizcochitos
he pointed out to me which cakes he wanted
me señaló con el dedo qué pasteles quería
we drooled at the sight of the cakes
se nos hizo agua la boca al ver los pasteles
we drooled at the sight of the cakes
se nos hizo la boca agua al ver los pasteles
they made short work of a dozen cakes
se despacharon una docena de pasteles
that makes three cakes he's eaten now
ya van tres pasteles que se come
I placed an order with her for two cakes
le encargué dos pasteles
it works out as two cakes each
salimos a dos pastelitos cada uno
could you hand the cakes around?
¿podrías ofrecer los pasteles?
we get two cakes each
salimos a dos pastelitos cada uno
cakes filled with cream
pasteles rellenos de crema
cakes filled with cream
pasteles rellenos de nata
cakes baked on the premises
repostería de la casa
Unfortunately, I must point out that duty- or tax-free cigarettes still sell like hot cakes and tax evasion is often regarded as a national pastime.
Yo lamento tener que recordar, no obstante, que los cigarrillos libres de aranceles o de impuestos siguen vendiéndose muy bien y que la evasión fiscal se practica a menudo como un deporte popular.