
"bridges" in English

"bridges" in English
bridge{noun} (card game)
Cisco Linksys Wireless-G Music Bridge Media Receiver
Linksys WMB54G Wireless-G Music Bridge Media Controller
Old College, South Bridge, GB - EH3 9YL Edinburgh
Old College, South Bridge, GB - EH3 9YL Edinburgh
En mi opinión, esto es un bridge too far.
In my opinion, this is a bridge too far.
We would be isolated islands without bridges, and bridges help us form communities.
Sin esos puentes seríamos islas aisladas y los puentes nos ayudan a formar comunidades.
Erasmus World will indeed build bridges, bridges between Europe and the other continents.
Erasmus World tenderá puentes entre Europa y los otros continentes.
By removing barriers to trade and building new bridges we create new opportunities.
Eliminando las barreras comerciales y construyendo nuevos puentes, creamos oportunidades.
to bridge[bridged · bridged] {transitive verb}
It would be an historic achievement if we succeeded in bridging the Atlantic with regard to free trade with Canada.
Sería un logro histórico que lográramos cruzar el Atlántico en relación con el libre comercio con Canadá.
Therefore, let us cross that bridge when we come to it.
Por lo tanto, crucemos el puente cuando lleguemos a él.
The Council must now grasp this chance to overcome its own lethargy and walk over the bridge that Parliament has built.
Ahora el Consejo debe aprovechar la oportunidad de superar su propio letargo y de cruzar el puente tendido por el Parlamento.
to span a river with a bridge
tender un puente sobre un río
This gulf must not be allowed to get any wider; bridging it is our most important task.
No hay que permitir que esta brecha se agrande, por lo que nuestra tarea más importante es tender un puente sobre ella.
On this point, I would like to emphasise the need to build a bridge over the Straits of Messina.
En este sentido, quisiera destacar la necesidad de construir un puente sobre el estrecho de Messina.
to bridge over
construir un puente sobre
The most important emphasis should therefore be to bridge the gulf.
Por lo tanto, hay que prestar especial atención a salvar el abismo.
Europe must bridge the gap which separates it from its competitors.
Europa debe salvar las distancias que la separan de sus competidores.
However, I believe that in the next few weeks we should be seeking to bridge those gaps.
Sin embargo, creo que en las próximas semanas conviene que intentemos salvar estas distancias.
We are in favour of a transatlantic bridge, but it should be a bridgehead.
Estamos de acuerdo en un puente transatlántico, pero no en una cabeza de puente.
This means building an intellectual and cultural bridge across the Mediterranean.
Eso supone tender un puente intelectual y cultural sobre el Mediterráneo.
The Women ’ s Forum established a bridge between countries of origin and destination.
El Foro de las Mujeres tendió un puente entre los países de origen y de destino.
torreta{f} (de un submarino)
Linksys WMB54G Wireless-G Music Bridge Media Controller
Cisco Linksys Wireless-G Music Bridge Media Receiver
Old College, South Bridge, GB - EH3 9YL Edinburgh
Old College, South Bridge, GB - EH3 9YL Edinburgh
In my opinion, this is a bridge too far.
En mi opinión, esto es un bridge too far.
(HU) Peter Mandelson is leaving the sinking ship and giving up his captain's bridge.
(HU) El señor Mandelson abandona el barco en pleno naufragio y deja el puente de mando.
I sincerely hope that those in command on the bridge do not keep on squabbling until the ship sinks.
Espero que en el puente de mando no discutan tanto que el barco se hunda.
caballete{m} (nariz)

Context examples for "bridges" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Patrimonio Cultural State's love for old bridges rekindled by storm - Vermont - USA BARTONSVILLE (AP).- By the time Susan Hammond came downstairs at 9 a.m. the rain was falling hard.
By the time Susan Hammond came downstairs at 9 a.m. the rain was falling hard.
Patrimonio construido State's love for old bridges rekindled by storm - Vermont - USA BARTONSVILLE (AP).- By the time Susan Hammond came downstairs at 9 a.m. the rain was falling hard.
By the time Susan Hammond came downstairs at 9 a.m. the rain was falling hard.
(SK) Señora Presidenta, he recibido hoy una invitación para asistir a la exposición "Bridges Between Nations", un evento que organiza su colega.
(SK) Madam President, today I received an invitation to the exhibition 'Bridges Between Nations', an event organised by your colleague.