
"autoridad legal" in English

"autoridad legal" in English

Context examples for "autoridad legal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Gobierno de Hun Sen sigue gobernando Camboya sin una autoridad constitucional y legal plena.
Hun Sen's government continues to rule Cambodia without full legal and constitutional authority.
En tercer lugar, la autoridad legal de las organizaciones de productores debe ser mejorada de manera importante.
Thirdly, the legal authority of producer organisations must be significantly improved.
Palacio ha expuesto en líneas generales la cuestión de si tenemos la autoridad legal para hacerlo.
The whole question as to whether we have the legal authority to do this has been outlined by Mrs Palacio.
Palacio ha expuesto en líneas generales la cuestión de si tenemos la autoridad legal para hacerlo.
The whole question as to whether we have the legal authority to do this has been outlined by Mrs Palacio.
Por esto, debe considerarse razonable que abordemos estos problemas con el apoyo de la autoridad moral y legal de las Naciones Unidas.
That is why it must be sensible to base our approach in dealing with these problems on the moral and legal authority of the United Nations.
Sería un conflicto grave con un Estado miembro, que se vería privado de un diputado reconocido como tal por las leyes y la autoridad legal de ese país.
This would be a serious conflict with a Member State, which would be deprived of a Member recognised as such by the laws and the legal authority of that country.