
"attention span" in Spanish

"attention span" in Spanish

Similar translations for "attention span" in Spanish
Context examples for "attention span" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
at this age children have a short attention span
a esta edad los niños no pueden mantener la atención por períodos prolongados
We need the depth of spirit that literature provides in the midst of a culture that has a short attention span and is inclined towards the superficial.
Estamos necesitados de la profundidad que nos transmite la literatura en un mundo de superficialidad e inconstancia.
Affected children can suffer problems with memory, attention span, hyperactivity, physical abnormalities and a diminished IQ.
Los niños afectados sufren problemas de memoria, falta de concentración, hiperactividad, anomalías físicas y un coeficiente intelectual disminuido.
As is always the case in large natural disasters, the attention span of the press and media is short and the headlines soon move on elsewhere.
Como suele ser el caso en grandes desastres naturales, la prensa y los medios cambian rápidamente de tema y se centran en otros titulares.