
"arm-twisting" in Spanish

"arm-twisting" in Spanish
This arm-twisting by the EU, which has undermined the environmental integrity of Korea's vehicle emissions rules, is nothing short of scandalous.
Esta presión por parte de la UE, que ha socavado la integridad ambiental de las normas coreanas sobre emisiones de los vehículos, es ni más ni menos que un escándalo.

Context examples for "arm-twisting" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
after a bit of arm-twisting, I got him to agree
presionándolo un poco, logré convencerlo
When I then asked the Commission to get the same documents as had been leaked to the press, it took considerable arm twisting to get them and I cannot hide my annoyance at this.
Cuando entonces pedí a la Comisión los mismos documentos que se habían filtrado a la prensa, me costó bastante persuadirla y no puedo ocultar mi enfado por este hecho.