
"anquilosar" in English

to ossify[ossified · ossified] {v.t.} [form.] (attitude)
Sin embargo, las manifestaciones de los ciudadanos de estos países contra los regímenes anquilosados en el poder han traído consigo la esperanza de que haya un cambio político permanente.
The demonstrations by the citizens of these countries against the ossified regimes which hold power have, however, brought hope for permanent political change.
to stultify {v.t.} [form.]
Tal coordinación entre los diferentes modos de transporte venía ejerciéndose a través de un Reglamento con treinta años de vigencia, que se estaba quedando anquilosado.
Such coordination between the various transport modes was taking place under a Regulation that had been in force for thirty years and was beginning to seize up.