
"amarse" in English

"amarse" in English
amar{transitive verb}
amar[amando · amado] {transitive verb}
Señor, que invita a amar al mismo tiempo a Dios y al prójimo.
that invites us to love both God and our neighbour simultaneously.
Si Dios nos ha amado así, también nosotros estamos llamados a amar a los demás (cf.
If God so loved us, so too must we love others (cf.
maridos deben amar a sus mujeres como a su propio cuerpo.
Even so husbands should love their wives as their own bodies.

Context examples for "amarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Su crimen fue ser jóvenes homosexuales que tuvieron la osadía de amarse.
Their crime was that they were young homosexuals who dared to love one another.
hombre y a la mujer capaces de amarse como Cristo nos amó.
woman capable of loving one another as Christ has loved us.
El Espíritu del Señor renueva el corazón y hace al hombre y a la mujer capaces de amarse como Cristo nos amó.
The Spirit which the Lord pours forth gives a new heart, and renders man and woman capable of loving one another as Christ has loved us.
juraron amarse hasta la muerte
they swore to love each other forever
amarse y respetarse
to love and to cherish
Estamos en contra de los matrimonios concertados: para casarse, los contrayentes deben conocerse y amarse mutuamente, y lo mismo sucede con la ambiciosa meta de Turquía.
We are against arranged marriages: to get married you have to know each other and love each other, and that applies to Turkey’s ambitious goal as well.