
"acreedores privados" in English

"acreedores privados" in English
{masculine plural}
{masculine plural}
Yo señalé que resultaba paradójico que, por ejemplo, los hospitales tuvieran que pagar a sus acreedores privados sanciones más elevadas que las que podrían exigir a sus deudores.
I noted the paradox that, for example, hospitals would have to pay their private creditors higher penalties than they themselves could require of their debtors.

Context examples for "acreedores privados" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Para que Grecia empiece a salir de la crisis fiscal, parte de la carga de la deuda la deben condonar y absorber los acreedores, tanto públicos como privados.
For Greece to start to grow out of the fiscal crisis, part of the debt burden should be forgiven and absorbed by creditors, public and private alike.
Yo señalé que resultaba paradójico que, por ejemplo, los hospitales tuvieran que pagar a sus acreedores privados sanciones más elevadas que las que podrían exigir a sus deudores.
I noted the paradox that, for example, hospitals would have to pay their private creditors higher penalties than they themselves could require of their debtors.