
"a la defensiva" in English

"a la defensiva" in English
Quienquiera que siga manteniendo una opinión a la defensiva está equivocado, a mi juicio.
Anyone who is still thinking defensively is wrong, in my opinion.
Los problemas surgieron cuando la Unión Europea gestionó dichos acuerdos a la defensiva y en un tono algo apocado.
The problems have arisen when the European Union has handled these agreements somewhat defensively, adopting a somewhat deferential tone.
Dada la poderosa función del Consejo y el papel insuficiente del Parlamento en este asunto, la Comisión solo podía reaccionar a la defensiva.
Given the powerful role of the Council and the inadequate role of Parliament in this matter, the Commission could only react defensively.

Similar translations for "a la defensiva" in English
A- lah- la
a la ordenadjective
Context examples for "a la defensiva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por tanto, Europa, la Unión Europea, no debería estar siempre a la defensiva.
So Europe, the European Union, should not always be put on the defensive.
Es hora de que pongamos a la defensiva a algunas de las personas que están atacando Europa.
It is time that we put some of the people who are attacking Europe on the defensive.
(PL) Señora Presidenta, señor Comisario, no hay necesidad de que se pongan a la defensiva.
(PL) Madam President, Commissioner, you did not need to take such a defensive position.
La gente se está poniendo a la defensiva en lo que respecta a la potencial erosión de sus lenguas.
People are becoming defensive about the potential erosion of their languages.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el señor Brok de que no debemos estar a la defensiva.
I entirely agree with Mr Brok that we should not be defensive.
Quienquiera que siga manteniendo una opinión a la defensiva está equivocado, a mi juicio.
Anyone who is still thinking defensively is wrong, in my opinion.
En este asunto, la Unión Europea ha dejado, al fin, de estar a la defensiva en este terreno.
At long last, the European Union is no longer on the defensive here.
Ya se ha mencionado anteriormente que no deberíamos actuar a la defensiva.
This point has been made before; we should not be defensive.
Está usted un poco a la defensiva.
There were many good points in your reply, but I feel that you were somewhat defensive.
Actualmente son los únicos lugares donde las organizaciones terroristas parecen estar a la defensiva.
They are now the only places where terrorist organisations appear to be on the defensive.
Putin tuvo que ponerse a la defensiva al enfrentarse a una Europa unida.
Putin was put on the defensive because of a united Europe.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el señor Brok de que no debemos estar a la defensiva.
Lastly, how will it set out the chain of responsibility, including the chain of democratic responsibility?
Los que creen en una cultura europea están, señor Presidente, a la defensiva.
But we are on the defensive, Mr President.
Nosotros los europeos estamos demasiado a la defensiva en esto.
We Europeans are much too defensive in this respect.
El contenido del informe demuestra que las fuerzas favorables a la liberalización están actualmente a la defensiva.
The contents of the report reveal that the proponents of decriminalisation are now on the defensive.
Por consiguiente, un planteamiento a la defensiva por parte de la Comisión no contribuirá a hacer avanzar el asunto.
It follows that a defensive approach on the part of the Commission will not help move things forwards.
la experiencia la había hecho ponerse a la defensiva
the experience had thrown her onto the defensive
En este asunto, la Unión Europea ha dejado, al fin, de estar a la defensiva en este terreno.
We have also adopted a more flexible approach towards geographical indications and even the environment, so as to facilitate the negotiations.
¿Por qué se habla a la defensiva?
Why are we on the defensive when we talk about it?
Nuestros astilleros se ven obligados a ponerse a la defensiva, con una competencia mundial aun más difícil para ellos de igualar.
Our shipyards are being forced back onto the defensive, with world competition ever harder for them to match.