
"ávido de" in English

"ávido de" in English
eager for{adj.}
Señora Presidenta, ávido de obtener inversiones del exterior, Viet Nam firmó el año pasado un Acuerdo de cooperación con Europa.
Madam President, eager for foreign investment Vietnam has signed a cooperation agreement with Europe and did so last year.

Context examples for "ávido de" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Presidenta, ávido de obtener inversiones del exterior, Viet Nam firmó el año pasado un Acuerdo de cooperación con Europa.
Madam President, eager for foreign investment Vietnam has signed a cooperation agreement with Europe and did so last year.
Informes sobre un lunático ávido de dinero, que se califica de científico, nos obliga hoy a aclarar ciertos extremos en este debate.
Today, reports on a money-hungry madman who calls himself a scientist are forcing us to hold this debate for clarification.
un público ávido de novedades
a public hot for the latest novelty
estar ávido de algo
to be hungry for sth
estar ávido de algo
to be avid for sth
El hecho de beneficiarse de una beca Erasmus no es sino un escaso consuelo para el joven estudiante o investigador ávido de experiencia internacional.
The status of the Erasmus-funded student is of little comfort to the young student or researcher seeking the international experience.
Todo se hace como si la intervención de este Parlamento bulímico y ávido de poderes fuera una garantía de sabiduría o de moderación legislativa.
Everything is being done as if the intervention of this bulimic and power-hungry Parliament were a guarantee of wisdom or of legislative moderation.
Todo se hace como si la intervención de este Parlamento bulímico y ávido de poderes fuera una garantía de sabiduría o de moderación legislativa.
The opposition to any attempt to use the aim of improving the quality of legislation to make changes to legislative procedures and the balance of powers between the institutions is proof of this.
Asimismo, se trata de un sector de actividad ávido de que se reconozca su utilidad, pero si bien a veces resulta fácil estimularlo, también es fácil de desanimar.
It is also a sector of activity which desperately needs recognition of its usefulness, but while it may sometimes need only a little to encourage it, it can also be all too easily discouraged.