
"ética profesional" in English

"ética profesional" in English
No se reconocen justificaciones que apelen a la ética profesional.
Justification on grounds of professional ethics is not recognised.
Tal movimiento sería simplemente incompatible con la ética profesional.
Such a move would simply be incompatible with professional ethics.
Deberíamos grabar en piedra los principios de ética profesional, porque ya hemos visto donde acabamos con una desregulación excesiva.
We should set in stone rules of professional ethics because we have seen where we end up with excessive deregulation.

Similar translations for "ética profesional" in English
Context examples for "ética profesional" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Tal movimiento sería simplemente incompatible con la ética profesional.
Such a move would simply be incompatible with professional ethics.
No se reconocen justificaciones que apelen a la ética profesional.
Justification on grounds of professional ethics is not recognised.
Es necesario, por lo tanto, supervisar todos los casos de falta de ética profesional de los empresarios en relación con las trabajadoras.
It is necessary, therefore, to monitor all misconduct by employers with regard to female workers.
No existe ningún motivo que lo impida: depende de la capacidad y de la ética y prestigio profesional del Comisario.
There is nothing to prevent that; it depends on the capability and the ethical and professional conduct of a Commissioner.
Deberíamos grabar en piedra los principios de ética profesional, porque ya hemos visto donde acabamos con una desregulación excesiva.
We should set in stone rules of professional ethics because we have seen where we end up with excessive deregulation.
Código de Ética Profesional del Abogado
The Attorney's Canon of Ethics
código de ética profesional del abogado
Attorney's Canon of Ethics
código de ética profesional
code of professional responsibility
Así pues, pedimos a los miles de representantes de intereses que gravitan en torno al Parlamento Europeo que adopten una ética profesional y se atengan a ella.
We therefore ask the thousands of lobbyists who are associated with the European Parliament to establish their own professional code of conduct and to comply with it.
Recuerdo a Flora Brovina, una médico que no ha hecho otra cosa que seguir su ética profesional y ayudar a las personas con independencia de su nacionalidad.
Let me remind you about Flora Brovina, the doctor who did nothing more than respect her professional ethics as a doctor, by helping people regardless of their nationality.
La propuesta ampliación del principio obliga especialmente a fijar un nuevo estatus europeo para los asesores jurídicos, basado en unas normas comparables de ética y disciplina profesional.
The proposed extension of this principle requires a new European status for in-house counsel, based on comparable rules on professional ethics and discipline.