
"world war" in Spanish

"world war" in Spanish
world war{noun}
This was recognised by the founding states after the Second World War.
Así lo reconocieron los Estados fundadores después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
That is essentially the reverse of the situation during the First World War.
Es poco más o menos la situación opuesta a la registrada durante la Primera Guerra Mundial.
If it was happening in Europe people would be talking about the risk of a world war.
Si esto ocurriera en Europa, ya estaríamos hablando de peligro de guerra mundial.

Similar translations for "world war" in Spanish
Context examples for "world war" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Europe and elsewhere in the world fresh outbreaks of war continue to occur.
algunas regiones de Europa y en otras partes del mundo continúen encendiéndose
Second World War, by the permanent threat of a nuclear war and the prospect of
permanente amenaza de una guerra nuclear y la perspectiva de la terrible
the Second World War, to forge a common bond between their countries.
provocados por el segundo conflicto mundial, crear un vínculo comunitario
We speak about democracy on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.
Ha habido miles de víctimas en el conflicto de Irlanda del Norte.
sin and death, of his peaceful war against the evil of the world, a war
guerra contra el mal del mundo, librada y vencida con las armas de la
Both have worsened since the Western World declared war on terrorism.
Ambos se han recrudecido desde que el mundo occidental le declaró la guerra al terrorismo.
The Islamic world today witnesses war in many of its countries.
Actualmente, el mundo islámico es testigo de guerras en sus países.
World War II made the modern world what it is more than any single event in history," he says.
El sitio denominado Historia En Piedra. Tres monolitos mexicas (Historia de monolitos de piedra.
We therefore celebrate the end of the Second World War, but let us not think that the horrors finished there.
Lo que tenemos es un mosaico de historias que juntas cuentan la Historia.
Sixty years have passed since the Second World War, and Europe together with its allies is shaping its future.
Lamento decir que aún no se ha hecho borrón y cuenta nueva con respecto a este periodo.
Will we be faced with another war, a world trade war in which the poor will become even poorer?
¿Nos enfrentaremos a otra guerra, una guerra comercial mundial en la que los pobres se vuelvan aún más pobres?
Poles remember a number of key dates that sealed the fate of the Second World War as a tragic event.
Lo que recordamos son los crímenes que cometieron los sistemas, y las víctimas que causaron estos sistemas.
I also speak on behalf of Members from countries that suffered under dictatorship long after the Second World War was over.
Recordemos hoy las causas, el periodo que precedió, marcado como estuvo por una idea.
There are also many other things to add to a resolution dealing with the end of the Second World War.
Para honrar a las víctimas de la guerra, sin embargo, hemos decidido votar a favor de la resolución en su conjunto.
This confirms the fact that for the West, following the Second World War, there was no trust in an ally such as Stalin.
Ha visto a estas naciones luchar entre sí, traicionarse entre sí y cometer atrocidades unas contra otras.
Wherever in the world there is war, the norm is that women become the victims of sexual violence.
En cualquier parte del mundo donde haya una guerra, la norma es que las mujeres se conviertan en víctimas de la violencia sexual.
World War II made the modern world what it is more than any single event in history," he says.
The first phase will see the partners working closely with a number of nominated areas as they adapt services to meet new pressures.
This was appropriately described a few weeks ago as the First World War of Africa, given the involvement of certain countries in others.
También lo son las participaciones cruzadas de unos países en otros.
The victims, the combatants and the martyrs of the Second World War were for the most part young people like you.
Las víctimas, los combatientes y los mártires del segundo conflicto mundial eran en gran parte jóvenes como vosotros.
Mr President, the world must avoid war.
Señor Presidente, el mundo debe evitar la guerra.