
"whingeing" in Spanish

"whingeing" in Spanish
quejumbroso{adj. m}
I have absolutely no sympathy with all the whining and whingeing letters we receive from industry.
No abrigo ninguna comprensión para las cartas lastimeras y quejumbrosas que recibimos de la industria.
quejarse {r. v.}
I do believe, however, that innovative parts of that industry are not whinging but are getting on with their innovation.
Pero yo creo que los sectores más innovadores de esa industria, en lugar de quejarse, siguen innovando.
to whinge about sth
quejarse de algo
jeremiquear {v.i.} [LAm.] [coll.]

Context examples for "whingeing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I have just received a whingeing letter from the pharmaceutical campaign in Germany.
Acabo de recibir de Alemania de la campaña farmacéutica una carta repleta de lamentaciones.
I remember very well how much whingeing there was at the time Spain was granted membership.
Me acuerdo perfectamente de las agitaciones que se produjeron cuando se permitió la adhesión de España.
Jobs will only be created by competitive framework conditions and, as a result, optimistic investors who are willing to take a risk, and not by the whingeing of affluent citizens.
Sólo unas condiciones marco competitivas más unos empresarios optimistas y arriesgados, por este orden, y no unos ciudadanos acomodados, mimados por la compasión, crearán estos puestos de trabajo.