
"West Indies" in Spanish

"West Indies" in Spanish
Antillas{f pl}
the West indies
las Antillas
So much so that people all over the world from the West Indies to Brussels and Strasbourg, some individuals have decided to fight back rather than capitulate.
Bastante es que de las Antillas a Bruselas, pasando por Estrasburgo, algunos hayan optado por la resistencia y no por la renuncia.
The sugar cane/sugar/rum industry provides almost 40 000 jobs in the French overseas departments; the banana industry provides 65 000 jobs in the West Indies and the Canaries.
El sector de la caña de azúcar-ron representa cerca de 40.000 empleos en los Departamentos de Ultramar franceses, el plátano representa 65.000 empleos en las Antillas y en Canarias.

Synonyms (English) for "West Indies":
Similar translations for "West Indies" in Spanish
Context examples for "West Indies" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
cargo destined for the West Indies
carga con destino al Caribe
the West indies
las Antillas
With regard to Latin America and the West Indies, the third top-level meeting within the framework of the cooperation and coordination mechanism has just started in Cochabamba in Bolivia.
En cuanto a América Latina y el Caribe, se ha iniciado recientemente en Cochabamba, Bolivia, la tercera reunión de alto nivel en el marco del denominado mecanismo de colaboración y coordinación.