
"West Germany" in Spanish

"West Germany" in Spanish
Coming from Belgium, I do not need to point out that there is a difference of opinion between Flanders and Wallonia, or between former East and West Germany?
¿Es necesario que le indique que hay diferencia entre la antigua Alemania Oriental y Alemania Occidental?
Mr President, today, in Germany, a man is appearing before the court who immigrated illegally from the former East Germany to West Germany.
Señor Presidente, en la República Federal Alemana comparece hoy en juicio un hombre que en su día pasó alemanes del Este a Alemania Occidental.
(DE) Mr President, today, in Germany, a man is appearing before the court who immigrated illegally from the former East Germany to West Germany.
Señor Presidente, en la República Federal Alemana comparece hoy en juicio un hombre que en su día pasó alemanes del Este a Alemania Occidental.

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Context examples for "West Germany" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This happened in the past, rather closer to home, on the border between East and West Germany.
Esto ya sucedió en el pasado, más cerca de nosotros, en la frontera entre Alemania Oriental y Occidental.
I would remind the House of what the Bundesbank did after the monetary union between East and West Germany.
Recuerdo a este respecto el comportamiento de la Bundesbank a raíz de la unificación monetaria de ambas Alemanias.
Mines whose operation is dependent on aid are located particularly in the Ruhr region of Germany, north-west Spain and in Valea Jiului in Romania.
Las minas cuya explotación depende de la ayuda están situadas sobre todo en la región Ruhr de Alemania, en el noroeste de España y en el valle de Jiu, en Rumanía.
We should be prepared to do all we can to bring about an emotional reunion similar to the one we saw in the late 1980s between East and West Germany.
Deberíamos estar preparados a hacer todo lo que podamos para provocar una reunificación emotiva parecida a la que presenciamos a finales de los ochenta entre las dos Alemanias.
The main cause of the reduction of CO2 emissions in Germany has been the collapse of the East German industrial base; in West Germany emissions are on the increase again.
La reducción de las emisiones de CO2 en Alemania se debe básicamente al desmantelamiento del parque industrial de la Alemania oriental; en la zona occidental vuelven a aumentar las emisiones.