
"war chest" in Spanish

"war chest" in English

Context examples for "war chest" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
On the contrary, they serve to replenish the war chest of the Khartoum government.
Más bien al contrario, sirven para reponer las arcas de guerra del Gobierno de Jartún.
That means hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit for the Rwandan war chest, and what do we do with our policy of double standards?
Esto significa que cientos de miles de dólares fluyen a las arcas de guerra ruandesas y¿qué hacemos con nuestra política del doble rasero?
That means hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit for the Rwandan war chest, and what do we do with our policy of double standards?
Esto significa que cientos de miles de dólares fluyen a las arcas de guerra ruandesas y ¿qué hacemos con nuestra política del doble rasero?