
"undeservedly" in Spanish

"undeservedly" in Spanish
It is a process which, unexpectedly and undeservedly, is enlightened
inesperada e inmerecidamente, es iluminado por la promesa y renovado por el don
It is now no longer the old mother countries but, deservedly or undeservedly, European companies who are named in the UN report.
Ahora ya no figuran en el informe de la ONU las viejas metrópolis sino, merecida o inmerecidamente, empresas europeas.
It is a process which, unexpectedly and undeservedly, is enlightened by the promise and renewed by the gift of divine life, which will reach its full realization in eternity (cf. 1 Jn 3:1-2).
Un proceso que, inesperada e inmerecidamente, es iluminado por la promesa y renovado por el don de la vida divina, que alcanzará su plena realización en la eternidad (cf. 1 Jn 3, 1-2).
they were applauded and deservedly so
fueron merecidamente aplaudidos
(NL) Mr President, the situation in which Greece and the euro area have deservedly found themselves is regrettable.
(NL) Señor Presidente, la situación en la que Grecia y la zona del euro se han encontrado merecidamente a sí mismas es lamentable.
One which is deservedly prominent among them is the future of the Constitutional Treaty, which requires more consultation and a higher profile.
Uno de ellos, que tiene merecidamente especial relevancia, es el futuro del Tratado Constitucional, que exige más labor de consulta y un mayor protagonismo.

Context examples for "undeservedly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is precisely here that most of the noise and criticism is centred - in my view undeservedly.
Precisamente aquí es donde se concentran la mayor parte de las críticas, en mi opinión, inmerecidas.
This is the second time that, quite undeservedly, I have had the honour of presiding over the election of the President of the European Parliament.
Es la segunda vez que, sin mérito, me corresponde el privilegio de presidir la elección del Presidente del Parlamento Europeo.
And those who speak evil things of the believing men and the believing women undeservedly, they are guilty indeed of a false accusation and a manifest sin.
¡Oh Profeta!
Just as justified is the section in the report that warns against individuals and groups who want to silence others by claiming that they are being permanently attacked, undeservedly so.
Igualmente justificada es la sección del informe en la que se advierte sobre personas y grupos que quieren silenciar a otros afirmando que son atacados permanentemente sin merecerlo.