
"merecidamente" in English

"merecidamente" in English
fueron merecidamente aplaudidos
they were applauded and deservedly so
(NL) Señor Presidente, la situación en la que Grecia y la zona del euro se han encontrado merecidamente a sí mismas es lamentable.
(NL) Mr President, the situation in which Greece and the euro area have deservedly found themselves is regrettable.
Uno de ellos, que tiene merecidamente especial relevancia, es el futuro del Tratado Constitucional, que exige más labor de consulta y un mayor protagonismo.
One which is deservedly prominent among them is the future of the Constitutional Treaty, which requires more consultation and a higher profile.

Context examples for "merecidamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Acojo con agrado este informe que elogia merecidamente al Defensor del Pueblo durante 2004.
I welcome this report which rightly praises the ombudsman during 2004.
La Comisión de Empleo lo adoptó merecidamente por unanimidad.
It was quite rightly adopted unanimously by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.
También ha elogiado merecidamente a la Comisión por la relativa rapidez con que ha respondido a las peticiones.
He rightly praised the Commission for its more or less prompt fulfilment of its mandates.
Nueva Zelanda es uno de los países menos contaminados del mundo, un hecho del que está, merecidamente, orgullosa.
New Zealand is one of the least polluted countries in the world, a fact of which it is justly proud.
. - La crisis financiera mundial será el tema principal, y merecidamente, del programa del Consejo de octubre.
in writing. - The global financial crisis will rightly top the agenda of the October Council.
Por este motivo hoy la ponente ha recibido merecidamente las aclamaciones que ha merecido, porque nos ha llevado por este camino.
That is why the rapporteur has rightly received the plaudits today because she has taken us along that road.
Los Estados miembros quieren evitar que los inmigrantes ilegales sean capaces de entrar merecidamente en nuestros sistemas legales.
Member States want to prevent illegal immigrants from being able to resort to our legal systems, and rightly so.
fueron merecidamente aplaudidos
they were applauded and deservedly so
fueron merecidamente aplaudidos
they received well-deserved applause
se llevó la bofetada merecidamente
he deserved to get that slap
La Unión Europea tiene una dilatada historia y ha conseguido crear una zona de seguridad jurídica y libertades inviolables de la que nos sentimos merecidamente orgullosos.
The European Union has a long history and has managed to create an area of legal security and inviolable freedoms of which we are rightly proud.
Con su consentimiento final, el Consejo ha escrito un nuevo capítulo en la historia de las instituciones de la UE, un logro que apreciamos profunda y merecidamente.
It wrote a new chapter in the history of the EU institutions in securing the final vote and consent of the Council, an achievement which we deeply and keenly appreciate.