
"deservedly" in Spanish

"deservedly" in Spanish
they were applauded and deservedly so
fueron merecidamente aplaudidos
(NL) Mr President, the situation in which Greece and the euro area have deservedly found themselves is regrettable.
(NL) Señor Presidente, la situación en la que Grecia y la zona del euro se han encontrado merecidamente a sí mismas es lamentable.
One which is deservedly prominent among them is the future of the Constitutional Treaty, which requires more consultation and a higher profile.
Uno de ellos, que tiene merecidamente especial relevancia, es el futuro del Tratado Constitucional, que exige más labor de consulta y un mayor protagonismo.

Context examples for "deservedly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The anti-discrimination article has deservedly been mentioned several times.
Ya se ha mencionado varias veces, y con razón, el artículo relativo a la no discriminación.
Belarus has deservedly been given the unflattering sobriquet of the last Soviet republic in Europe.
Belarús se ha ganado el merecido apelativo de la última república soviética en Europa.
BNFL is now in for a very difficult period and deservedly.
BNFL va a pasar ahora por un período muy difícil y se lo merece.
I am also especially pleased to note that the incorporation of Community regulations is improving and deservedly so.
Y me complace especialmente constatar justamente que la transposición de la reglamentación comunitaria mejora.
It is now no longer the old mother countries but, deservedly or undeservedly, European companies who are named in the UN report.
Ahora ya no figuran en el informe de la ONU las viejas metrópolis sino, merecida o inmerecidamente, empresas europeas.
they were applauded and deservedly so
fueron merecidamente aplaudidos
Vilnius is one of this year's European capitals of culture, deservedly so, and certainly much to the delight of all Europeans.
Vilna es una de las capitales europeas de la cultura de este año, de forma merecida, e indudablemente para la satisfacción de todos los europeos.
Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to finish my speech with a thought of the deservedly popular Hungarian writer Sándor Márai, which is related to Europe.
Señorías, para concluir quisiera citar una reflexión del aclamado escritor húngaro Sándor Márai. Tiene que ver con Europa.
It did get a bad press - in some respects deservedly - but those who say an international conference on racism was not worth holding are wrong.
Tuvo mala prensa - en algunos aspectos merecida -, pero los que afirman que no valió la pena celebrar la Conferencia Internacional sobre el racismo se equivocan.
Mr President, Mr Vice-President, Mrs Roure deserves warm thanks for this report, which has already received deservedly appreciative comments from various Members.
. – Señor Presidente, señor Vicepresidente, la señora Roure merece mi sincero agradecimiento por este informe, que ya ha recibido merecidos elogios de varios diputados.