
"twice" in Spanish

"twice" in Spanish
dos veces{adv.}
We are not going to do that twice in the same part-session and on the same subject.
No vamos a hacerlo dos veces durante la misma sesión y sobre el mismo asunto.
These people have suffered twice and this suffering was caused entirely by others.
Ese pueblo ha sufrido dos veces por culpa enteramente ajena.
Its people are twice as rich as the citizens of the Member States.
Su gente es dos veces más rica que los ciudadanos de los Estados miembros.

Synonyms (English) for "twice":
Context examples for "twice" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We never travelled in the same car twice, because we knew we were being monitored.
Nunca viajábamos en el mismo coche dos veces, porque sabíamos que nos seguían.
We all know that today we are emitting twice as much CO2 as plants can break down.
Todos sabemos que hoy ya emitimos el doble de CO2 que las plantas descomponen.
This consideration was twice brought to the attention of the European Ombudsman.
Esta consideración se ha transmitido al Defensor del Pueblo europeo en dos ocasiones.
It is better for citizens to have twice the rights than to have zero rights.
A los ciudadanos les conviene más tener el doble de derechos que no tener ninguno.
We are not going to do that twice in the same part-session and on the same subject.
No vamos a hacerlo dos veces durante la misma sesión y sobre el mismo asunto.
If they knew they would be pursued in their own countries they would think twice.
Si supieran que se les va a procesar en sus propios países se lo pensarían dos veces.
I did not intervene during the discussion of the agenda so as not to intervene twice.
No he intervenido en el debate del orden del día para no hacerlo en dos ocasiones.
The EU Special Representative, Ambassador Morel, has been twice to the country.
El Representante Especial de la UE, el Embajador Morel, ha visitado el país dos veces.
Press twice the Escape key if the URL is highlighted or only once if it is not.
Si toda la URL está marcada deberá pulsar dos veces en (Esc) y si no es así, sólo una.
On the list I have the names of twice as many Members as it is possible to take.
En la lista tengo el doble de nombres de diputados de los que resulta asumible escuchar.
In Slovakia, we have a saying that help given quickly is twice as effective.
En Eslovaquia, se dice que la ayuda que se ofrece rápidamente es el doble de eficaz.
This is twice as many as in the USA, but with half the amount of air traffic.
Esta cifra duplica la de los Estados Unidos, pero registra la mitad de tráfico aéreo.
I was cut off relatively promptly by the previous President twice this afternoon.
Hoy he sido advertido con relativa puntualidad en dos intervenciones por su predecesor.
During her long detention she has been operated on twice for cancer of the uterus.
Durante su largo encarcelamiento ha sido operada en dos ocasiones de cáncer del útero.
It met twice, in Vienna and Bridgetown, as is the norm for the Assembly.
Celebró dos reuniones, en Viena y Bridgetown, como es la norma de la Asamblea.
The aim is to coordinate existing organizations and stop work being done twice over.
Se trata de coordinar las organizaciones existentes y evitar duplicidades.
I support the proposal that the Commission present reports to Parliament twice every year.
Apoyo la propuesta de que la Comisión presente informes semestrales al Parlamento.
This is an important issue - it has already been mentioned twice this morning.
Este es un tema importante, ya se ha mencionado dos veces esta mañana.
Per-hectare aid for hemp is more than twice as high as that for cereals.
La ayuda por hectárea al lino era más del doble que la ayuda por hectárea al cereal.
The Commissioner herself came to our country twice and was able to ascertain that.
Comisaria ha estado dos veces en nuestro país y ha podido cerciorarse.