
"tribunal militar" in English

"tribunal militar" in English
El Tribunal militar norteamericano acaba de pronunciar una sentencia absolutoria.
An acquittal has just been pronounced by the American Court-Martial.
El fallo inaceptable del tribunal militar pone de manifiesto una vez más la necesidad de esta reforma.
The unacceptable verdict delivered by the court-martial shows once again just how necessary this review is.
Debemos seguir rechazando el tema del tribunal militar.
We must persist in consistently attacking the idea of a military court.
Los va a juzgar -no sabemos cuándo- un tribunal militar, no un tribunal civil.
No date has yet ben set for their trial, but it is to take place in a military court and not a civil court.
Tampoco debemos olvidar que un tribunal militar acaba de condenar a cuatro oficiales por abuso del cargo.
We should also not forget that a military court has just convicted four officers for abusing their powers.

Context examples for "tribunal militar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Tribunal militar norteamericano acaba de pronunciar una sentencia absolutoria.
An acquittal has just been pronounced by the American Court-Martial.
Cualquiera que entre en esta zona tendrá que rendir cuentas ante un tribunal militar.
Anyone entering this area will be answerable to a military tribunal.
Los va a juzgar -no sabemos cuándo- un tribunal militar, no un tribunal civil.
No date has yet ben set for their trial, but it is to take place in a military court and not a civil court.
Debemos seguir rechazando el tema del tribunal militar.
We must persist in consistently attacking the idea of a military court.
El mes pasado, su condena fue ratificada por la Sala Militar del Tribunal Supremo ruso en Moscú.
Last month, his sentence was confirmed by the Military Collegium of the Russian Supreme Court in Moscow.
A pesar de ello, el 1 de junio un tribunal militar condenó a muerte a 15 de los aproximadamente 100 acusados.
Despite this, on 1 June, a military court passed the death sentence on 15 of the 100 or so accused.
El fallo inaceptable del tribunal militar pone de manifiesto una vez más la necesidad de esta reforma.
The unacceptable verdict delivered by the court-martial shows once again just how necessary this review is.
El tribunal militar pronunció su veredicto el 1º de junio.
The military tribunal reached its verdict on 1 June.
Tampoco debemos olvidar que un tribunal militar acaba de condenar a cuatro oficiales por abuso del cargo.
We should also not forget that a military court has just convicted four officers for abusing their powers.
Por haberlo hecho, ha sido declarado culpable de alta traición por un tribunal militar ruso y condenado a cuatro años de cárcel.
For having done so, he has been found guilty of high treason by a Russian military court and sentenced to four years' imprisonment.
Incluso el Tribunal de Apelación ve con recelo el uso de la Orden nº 4 del Tribunal Militar ante el que se interpuso esta acción judicial.
Even the Court of Appeal has misgivings on the use of Military Court Order No 4 under which this prosecution was brought.
Por haberlo hecho, ha sido declarado culpable de alta traición por un tribunal militar ruso y condenado a cuatro años de cárcel.
For having done so, he has been found guilty of high treason by a Russian military court and sentenced to four years ' imprisonment.
Señor Presidente, eso me conduce a otra decisión del Tribunal, en concreto la revocación de la legislación que limita la jurisdicción del tribunal militar.
Mr President, that brings me to another verdict by the Court, namely the annulment of the law restricting the jurisdiction of the military court.
Un tribunal militar no está formado por jueces independientes: es designado por el Gobierno y eso contradice los valores fundamentales del Tratado europeo.
A military court does not consist of independent judges: it is appointed by the government and is in contradiction to the fundamental values of the European Treaty.
Comparecí esposado en dos ocasiones ante un tribunal militar turco y en una ocasión ante un tribunal civil ilegal en el sector de Nicosia bajo ocupación turca.
I was presented handcuffed on two occasions before a Turkish military court and on one occasion before an illegal civilian court in the Turkish-occupied sector of Nicosia.
También consideramos positivo que se conceda a la Unión Europea acceso regular a los juicios del Tribunal Supremo de Seguridad del Estado, del Tribunal Militar y del Tribunal Penal.
We also consider it positive that the EU is granted regular access to trials at the High State Security Court, the Military Court and the Criminal Court.
No es aceptable que un talibán, un talibán norteamericano, John Walker, sea puesto a disposición de un tribunal civil cuando los demás deberán comparecer ante un tribunal militar.
It is unacceptable that just one Taliban - an American Taliban, John Walker - should be brought to trial before a civil court when others are to be tried before military courts.
Se ha presentado una denuncia ante el Tribunal Militar de París en relación con la complicidad de soldados franceses en el genocidio y los crímenes contra la humanidad cometidos en 1984 en Ruanda.
A case has been filed with the Paris Military Court regarding the complicity of French soldiers in the genocide and crimes against humanity committed in Rwanda in 1994.
Dell'Alba, ese Tribunal militar se pida realmente con energía, porque, si no, corremos el riesgo de pedir pero de que no se nos escuche.
I hope that, as Mr Dell'Alba said, loud voices will be raised in support of this military tribunal because otherwise the risk is that we will ask for it but not get a hearing.