
"tribunal competente" in English

"tribunal competente" in English

Context examples for "tribunal competente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Cualquier defensa tiene que presentar sus alegaciones ante el tribunal competente.
Any defence has to present its case before the relevant court.
si ha sido penado legalmente en virtud de una sentencia dictada por un tribunal competente;
the lawful detention of a person after conviction by a competent court;
Creo que el caso será juzgado por un tribunal competente.
I believe the case will be judged by a court that is competent to do so.
El Estatuto podrá establecer que el Tribunal General sea competente en otras categorías de recursos.
The Statute may provide for the General Court to have jurisdiction for other classes of action or proceeding.
Bastará con que aduzca, ante un tribunal u otro órgano competente, hechos que permitan presumirla existencia de una discriminación.
They need only go to a court or competent authority to establish the facts of discrimination.
La primera es: ¿qué tribunal es competente?
The first question is: which court is authorised?
El Tribunal Supremo sí es competente para dirigirse directamente a esta Cámara en demanda de la tramitación de un suplicatorio.
The Supreme Court has the competence to approach this House directly to demand that a petition be processed.
Me entristece que la jurisdicción, la creación de un tribunal competente, no se mencione expresamente en esta directiva.
It saddens me that the jurisdiction, the establishment of a competent court, is not explicitly mentioned in this directive.
El informe que proponemos incluye medidas encaminadas a garantizar que exista una única ley aplicable y un único tribunal competente.
The report we are proposing includes measures aimed at ensuring that there is one applicable law and one competent court.
Algunos se preguntan para qué es competente un Tribunal Penal Internacional, qué es lo que le delimita de los Tribunales ya existentes.
Some people are asking where the International Criminal Court will have jurisdiction compared with the courts which already exist.
Está poco clara la situación jurídica de esos prisioneros y corresponde a un tribunal competente aclarar este punto.
There is some confusion about the legal status of the prisoners at the base at Guantanamo Bay, and this issue needs to be clarified by a competent court.
Una concluida la instrucción, el Fiscal Europeo presenta la demanda ante el Tribunal nacional competente del Estado miembro.
Once investigations were completed, the European Public Prosecutor would prefer charges before the proper national court in the relevant Member State.
El Tribunal General será competente para conocer de los recursos que se interpongan contra las resoluciones de los tribunales especializados.
The General Court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine actions or proceedings brought against decisions of the specialised courts.
Todos los prisioneros deben ser formalmente acusados de los delitos que le han sido imputados y tener un juicio justo ante un tribunal imparcial y competente.
All prisoners must be formally charged with the crimes they have been accused of and have a fair trial before a competent, impartial court.
El derecho a la reparación legal de ningún modo puede detenerse porque las pruebas estén ubicadas fuera del Estado miembro en el que se encuentra el tribunal competente.
The right to legal redress absolutely must not cease because evidence is located outside the Member State in which the court in question is located.
Sabemos, es algo que se ha repetido muchas veces, que la principal desavenencia ha sido sobre el tribunal competente para conocer los asuntos relativos al comercio electrónico.
As has been repeated a great many times, the biggest dispute, as we all know, has been about which court is to have competence in matters relating to electronic commerce.
El Parlamento Europeo aún no ha tomado una decisión acerca de la inmunidad del señor Tomczak, si bien el Tribunal competente fijó la sesión para el 15 de febrero, la semana pasada.
The European Parliament has not yet taken a decision on Mr Tomczak's immunity, but the competent court nonetheless set 15 February, last week, as the date for a sitting.
Es preciso destacar, sin embargo, que el deudor tendrá derecho a recurrir la orden emitida, y que el tribunal de apelación competente será el mismo que la emitió.
It should be emphasised, however, that the debtor must have the right to appeal the order issued, and the competent institution to hear that appeal should be the court where the order was issued.
La CPI es el tribunal penal internacional más competente para juzgar a muchas personalidades que son culpables de crímenes de guerra y crímenes contra la humanidad por sus acciones.
The ICC is the most competent international criminal tribunal which can make the many notorious perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity accountable for their actions.