
"torpemente" in English

butterfingers{noun} [coll.]
klutz{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]
lummox{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]
torpe{adjective masculine/feminine}
No es simplemente una cuestión de ser débil aunque inteligente, o enérgico pero torpe.
It is not simply a question of being weak yet clever, or being dynamic yet clumsy.
Señor Presidente, la redacción de este considerando resulta bastante torpe.
Mr President, the wording of this recital is, indeed, clumsy.
En lo que a mi concierne, considero esta elección como arbitraria, torpe y provocadora.
For my part, I consider that this choice is arbitrary, clumsy and provocative.
Esperamos poder bloquear cualquier intento torpe de privar a la población de los productos que conocen y que siguen necesitando.
We hope that we will be able to block any heavy-handed attempt to deprive people of the products they know and continue to need.
Todos hemos intentado evitar las palabras torpes y largas que con frecuencia caracterizan las declaraciones de principios.
We have all tried to avoid the heavy-handed long words that too often characterise declarations of principle.
Ha sido un asunto bastante torpe, considero, con este caballero encarcelado durante diez horas sin acceso a un abogado, además de otros problemas concomitantes.
It was fairly heavy-handed stuff, I believe, with the gentleman being incarcerated for ten hours without access to a lawyer, and there are many other problems with the case.
klutz{adj.} [coll.]
awkward{adj.} (clumsy)
Por tanto, se trata de un presupuesto torpe en dos aspectos.
This budget is therefore awkward in two respects.
Nuestras actuaciones resultan torpes.
Our treatment of the situation is awkward.
Esta práctica, o más bien mala práctica, dio lugar a un sistema torpe de transferencias de última hora o a la cancelación de determinados créditos.
This practice, or rather bad practice, brought with it an awkward system of last-minute transfers or the cancellation of certain appropriations.
torpe(also: patoso)
cackhanded{adj.} [Brit.] [coll.]
torpe(also: patoso)
clodhopping{adj.} [coll.] (oaf)
torpe(also: lerdo)
dull{adj.} (of faculties)
El 31 de diciembre de 2010 finalizó una Presidencia más bien torpe, que algunas personas han descrito como insulsa y débil.
31 December 2010 saw the end of a rather dull Presidency, which some people have described as lacklustre and weak.
flat-footed{adj.} [Brit.] [coll.] (clumsy)
fumbling{adj.} (attempt, effort)
gauche{adj.} (person, remark, gesture)
half-assed{adj.} (attempt)
torpe(also: patoso)
ham-fisted{adj.} (person)
ham-fisted{adj.} (action)
torpe(also: patoso)
ham-handed{adj.} (person)
ham-handed{adj.} (action)
inept{adj.} (conduct, remark, comment)
Es torpe y engañoso intentar presentar una ética de los seres vivos común a los animales, a los vegetales y al hombre.
It is inept and misleading to try to present an ethical principle as being common to animals, plants and human beings.
klutzy{adj.} [Amer.] [coll.]
torpe(also: forzado)
labored{adj.} (metaphor, joke)
torpe(also: forzado)
laboured{adj.} [Brit.] (metaphor, joke)
torpe(also: patoso)
lumpish{adj.} [coll.]
La conducta del señor Brown en Lisboa fue tanto extraordinaria como torpe.
Mr Brown's behaviour in Lisbon was both extraordinary and maladroit.
ungainly{adj.} (movement)
un animal lerdo y torpe
a slow, ungainly animal
unskilful{adj.} [Brit.]
slow{adj.} [coll.]
un animal lerdo y torpe
a slow, ungainly animal
torpe(also: pesado)
lumbering{vb} (gait, step, footsteps)
The Times publica en su edición de hoy un comentario que lo resume por mí: «La justicia, la imparcialidad y la responsabilidad mutua global deberían compensar el torpe reglamento.
In The Times today a comment sums it up for me: 'Justice, fairness, mutual global responsibility should outweigh lumbering regulation.
The Times publica en su edición de hoy un comentario que lo resume por mí:« La justicia, la imparcialidad y la responsabilidad mutua global deberían compensar el torpe reglamento.
In The Times today a comment sums it up for me: 'Justice, fairness, mutual global responsibility should outweigh lumbering regulation.

Context examples for "torpemente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esta es la razón por la que no hemos avalado vagas e informes exhortaciones que sirven sobre todo a hacer olvidar que nos hemos equivocado torpemente.
This is why we did not lend our support to vague and ill-conceived orders that, more than anything, serve to make us forget that we have in fact made a huge mistake.
Santini acusó torpemente de dedicarse al turismo de guerra.
Mr President, three days ago I was in Ramallah, and I am therefore one of those Members whom Mr Santini inappropriately accused of war tourism.
Lamento ver el apartado 43 del informe, que mete torpemente en el mismo saco a estos países y al resto de nuestros vecinos o los compara con Andorra y el Estado Vaticano.
There are situations where what is involved is deepening and broadening cooperation in areas such as energy and security, and moving on into other appropriate areas.