
"toda mi vida" in English

"toda mi vida" in English
Lo he sido durante toda mi vida.
Very well, I am a Liberal and have been all my life.
Ha sido mi divisa política durante toda mi vida.
It has been my political motto all my life.
no había visto nada igual en toda mi vida
I'd never seen anything like it in all my life

Similar translations for "toda mi vida" in English
E- mi- me
Context examples for "toda mi vida" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En toda mi vida no había visto tanta hipocresía, y fue muy desagradable.
We need reform; we need reform of the whole package: Members ' Statute and allowances.
Les digo que estuve en Bosnia, que vi las fosas comunes que no olvidaré durante toda mi vida.
Let me tell you, I was in Bosnia, I saw the mass graves and I will not forget them as long as I live.
Lo he sido durante toda mi vida.
Very well, I am a Liberal and have been all my life.
Fue una oportunidad de experimentar con un personaje distinto a los que había estado haciendo toda mi vida.
This was an opportunity for me to experiment with a character other than the ones I had been doing all my life.
– Señor Presidente, la dedicación durante toda mi vida a Oriente Próximo no me exime de mi responsabilidad.
Mr President, my whole life engagement with the Middle East does not lighten my own burden of responsibility.
(EL) Señor Presidente, durante toda mi vida me ha apasionado el deporte, ya fuera como participante o como espectador.
(EL) Mr President, all my life I have absolutely loved sport, both as a participant and as a spectator.
– Señor Presidente, la dedicación durante toda mi vida a Oriente Próximo no me exime de mi responsabilidad.
Mr President, my whole life engagement with the Middle East does not lighten my own burden of responsibility.
Ha sido mi divisa política durante toda mi vida.
It has been my political motto all my life.
no había visto nada igual en toda mi vida
I'd never seen anything like it in all my life
He sido sindicalista toda mi vida.
I have been a trade unionist all my life.
toda mi vida de adulto la he pasado aquí
I've lived here all my adult life
reviví toda mi vida en un instante
my life flashed before me
En toda mi vida he visto tres veces, durante algunos segundos, al señor Forrest, y estaba en compañía de una delegación parlamentaria belga.
In my life I have only met Mr Forrest three times for a few seconds, and I was in the company of a Belgian parliamentary delegation.
En toda mi vida he visto tres veces, durante algunos segundos, al señor Forrest, y estaba en compañía de una delegación parlamentaria belga.
In my life I have only met MrForrest three times for a few seconds, and I was in the company of a Belgian parliamentary delegation.
Me he pasado toda mi vida luchando por la causa justa de Albania, es decir, por los intereses de la población, no los intereses de un partido político.
I have spent my whole life fighting for the right cause in Albania, namely the interests of the people, not those of a political party.
en toda mi vida
in all my born days
A lo largo de toda mi vida adulta, me he mantenido activa políticamente en organizaciones de mujeres y en redes para combatir esta violencia contra la mujer.
Throughout my adult life, I have been politically active in women's organisations and in networks for combating this violence against women.
toda mi vida
all my life
Como Presidente del partido transnacional EUDemocrats, no puedo abandonar la batalla que he librado toda mi vida a favor de la transparencia, la proximidad y la democracia.
As President of the transnational party, the EUDemocrats, I cannot stop my lifelong battle for transparency, proximity and democracy.
No me sorprende, porque he sido político durante toda mi vida adulta, por lo que estoy acostumbrado a este tipo de "ironías", por llamarlas del modo más educado posible.
This does not surprise me because I have been a politician for all of my adult life so I am used to that type of irony, to put it in its politest terms.