
"to interfere with" in Spanish

"to interfere with" in Spanish

Similar translations for "to interfere with" in Spanish
Context examples for "to interfere with" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Firstly, the European Parliament intends to interfere in the affairs of others.
En primer lugar, el Parlamento Europeo pretende interferir en los asuntos de otros.
Are you going to interfere with Great Britain's Parliament if we are elected?
¿Piensan ustedes interferir en el Parlamento de Gran Bretaña si salimos elegidos?
They must not interfere with or undermine the independence of the central bank.
No deben obstaculizar ni poner en peligro la independencia del Banco Central.
I do not wish to interfere in the internal affairs of the Confederation in any way.
No quiero interferir en los asuntos internos de la Confederación de ninguna manera.
I hope it is not necessary for the Brussels bureaucracy to interfere in this.
Espero que no sea necesario que la burocracia de Bruselas interfiera en esto.
Mr President, I did not want to speak earlier in order not to interfere in the debate.
Señor Presidente, no he querido intervenir antes por no interferir en el debate.
The EU does not interfere in the forms of government of the Member States.
La Unión Europea no interfiere en las formas de gobierno de los Estados miembros.
In this tragedy, Mr President, there is no question as to our right to interfere.
No se trata, señor Presidente, en esta tragedia del derecho de injerencia.
The domestic situation in the Czech Republic should not in any way interfere with this.
La situación nacional de la República Checa no debería interferir en modo alguno.
(DE) I understand that you do not want to interfere in Bulgaria's domestic politics.
(DE) Comprendo que no quiera interferir en la política nacional de Bulgaria.
Good resolutions are useless attempts if they interfere with sovereign nations.
Las buenas resoluciones serán inútiles si interfieren con la soberanía de las naciones.
I repeat: that would not interfere with the issues of competence and subsidiarity.
Repito: eso no afectaría a los principios de competencia y subsidiariedad.
Let us not interfere in any way with the principle of local self-government.
No debemos interferir en modo alguno con el principio de autogobierno local.
It is unacceptable for the state to interfere detrimentally in the life of a church.
Es inaceptable para el Estado el interferir en detrimento de la vida de una iglesia.
We do not wish to interfere in the electoral process under way in Ukraine.
No queremos interferir en el proceso electoral que se está desarrollando en Ucrania.
It is certainly not for the European Union to interfere in Lebanese internal affairs.
La Unión Europea ciertamente no debe interferir en los asuntos interiores del Líbano.
Some have said it is not right for us to interfere in Austrian politics.
Algunos han dicho que no tenemos el derecho a interferir en la política austríaca.
Nevertheless, we should not interfere in the private lives of the innocent.
No obstante, no debemos interferir en las vidas privadas de los inocentes.
But Parliament did not interfere with the area involving monetary union.
Pero el Parlamento no abordó el grupo de cuestiones sobre la Unión Monetaria.
Let us not interfere from the European level because I do not believe we need it.
En este sentido, no considero necesario una intervención comunitaria.