
"three thousand five hundred" in Spanish

"three thousand five hundred" in English
Three thousand five hundred Iranian men and women, members of the democratic opposition to the fundamentalist regime in Iran, live there completely defenceless.
Tres mil quinientos hombres y mujeres iraníes, miembros de la oposición democrática al régimen fundamentalista de Irán, viven en él completamente indefensos.

Context examples for "three thousand five hundred" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
three thousand five hundred
tres mil quinientos
Three thousand five hundred Iranian men and women, members of the democratic opposition to the fundamentalist regime in Iran, live there completely defenceless.
Tres mil quinientos hombres y mujeres iraníes, miembros de la oposición democrática al régimen fundamentalista de Irán, viven en él completamente indefensos.