
"hundreds of thousands" in Spanish

"hundreds of thousands" in English
Hundreds of thousands of young people - the intelligentsia - are leaving the country.
Cientos de miles de personas -la inteligencia- abandonan el país.
The numbers are astounding - in the millions, not thousands or hundreds of thousands.
Las cifras son apabullantes: se trata de millones, no de miles o cientos de miles.
People are persecuted in their hundreds of thousands because of their religious beliefs.
Se está persiguiendo a cientos de miles de personas por sus creencias religiosas.

Context examples for "hundreds of thousands" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The numbers are astounding - in the millions, not thousands or hundreds of thousands.
Las cifras son apabullantes: se trata de millones, no de miles o cientos de miles.
Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of people are expected to be in Kiev tomorrow.
Se espera que haya cientos de miles, quizás millones, de personas en Kiev mañana.
People are persecuted in their hundreds of thousands because of their religious beliefs.
Se está persiguiendo a cientos de miles de personas por sus creencias religiosas.
However, hundreds of thousands of people have already done that before us.
Sin embargo, cientos de miles de personas ya lo han hecho antes que nosotros.
Hundreds of thousands of dissidents are oppressed or imprisoned in labour camps.
Cientos de miles de disidentes sufren opresión o están encarcelados en campos de trabajo.
Hundreds of thousands of families in the European Union, whose future depends on ...
Cientos de miles de familias de la Unión Europea cuyo futuro depende de...
Hundreds of thousands of people will lose their jobs and people will take to the streets.
Cientos de miles de personas perderán sus puestos de trabajo y saldrán a la calle.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been driven away or have fled in the face of rioting.
Cientos de miles de personas han sido expulsadas o han huido ante los disturbios.
Hundreds of thousands of animals now travel with their owners each year across Europe.
Cientos de miles de animales al año viajan ahora con sus propietarios por toda Europa.
This unjust decision will affect hundreds of thousands of the Timişoara team's fans.
Esta decisión injusta afectará a cientos de miles de aficionados del equipo de Timişoara.
I and hundreds of thousands of Poles would like to appeal for his release.
Yo mismo y cientos de miles de polacos queremos solicitar su liberación.
There are hundreds of thousands of people who earn their living at the Post Office.
Hay cientos de miles de personas que se ganan la vida en este sector.
Hundreds of thousands of people have died and millions have been evicted from their homes.
Cientos de miles de personas han muerto y millones han sido expulsadas de sus casas.
Each year hundreds of thousands of women are abused in the European sex industry.
Cada año, cientos de miles de mujeres son víctimas de abusos en la industria europea del sexo.
According to Europol, there are hundreds of thousands of victims in the EU alone.
Según Europol, solo en la UE existen cientos de miles de víctimas.
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people will migrate to countries like Britain.
Cientos de miles, si no millones, de personas que migrarán a países como Gran Bretaña.
All along the way, hundreds of thousands of people came to support him.
A lo largo de estos 3000 Km, centenares de personas han venido a apoyarlo.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of non-European aliens enter our continent, Europe.
Cada años cientos de miles de extranjeros no europeos entrar en nuestro continente, Europa.
There are hundreds of thousands, indeed millions of people who fall into that category.
Existen cientos de miles incluso millones de personas que entran dentro de esa categoría.
Almost 60 people died, and hundreds of thousands of people sustained considerable damage.
Casi 60 personas murieron y cientos de miles de personas sufrieron daños considerables.